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“I’m still thinkingthrough the ramifications that the bonding can be broken,” Gabriel said much later that night, when they had finally handled everything and the manse had settled into the peace of people returning to their routines.“You’re truly amazing to have figured that out.”

Nic preened a little, feeling quite deserving of the praise.She hadn’t gone with Asa, Gabriel, and Alise to put the question to Laryn.She didn’t feel any need to confront the bitter woman ever again.Unsurprisingly, Laryn had elected to be experimented upon, in return for the amnesty that at least the remainder of her pregnancy would grant.Alise had reported that severing the bond was remarkably simple, when she thought of it in terms of the Elal spirit-bonding skills she already possessed.

Nic had attended when Alise severed the bond between Maman and their father.She seemed unchanged thus far, and Nic very much hoped her father felt it and knew who was responsible.

Nic and Alise had decided to postpone further discussion of the implications—that House Elal had to be behind the creation of the spell in the first place.Also, the invisible, giant pink seahorse in the room was the power they now possessed to free all familiars of their enchantment.That Gabriel would insist they had a moral obligation to do so wasn’t in doubt.Nic, true to her nature, harbored reservations.The Convocation wizards wouldn’t sit idly by for an enterprise that would deprive them of their familiars.If House Phel wasn’t already at war, that would do it.

But for at least this, her first night home, with both of them safe and sound, Nic wanted to savor being with Gabriel.There’d been no sign yet of Jadren and Selly.Hopefully they’d turn up the following day.If not, then they’d organize a search.In the meanwhile, Nic didn’t want Gabriel dwelling on his worries.Thus, she planned to distract her wizard quite thoroughly.“You know, my father told me we stood on the brink of a new society.We do, but not at all in the way he thought.I always knew you’d turn the Convocation upside down.”

“Thatwewould,” he corrected with a half smile.“I still have no idea how you put that together, about the bonding.”

She moved to him, adding an extra swish to her hips, just to enjoy the silvery-bright surge of desire from him, and trailed her finger down his muscled chest.“I happen to be exceedingly clever,” she informed him.

“That you are,” he agreed warmly, snagging her provocative fingers and lifting them to his mouth, brushing a kiss over her sensitive fingertips, nipping just enough to make her shudder.“As well as innovative, powerful, loving, sensual, and staggeringly beautiful.”

“Are those qualities listed in order of preference?”she teased.

“I like the entire package,” he answered, wizard-black eyes like a starless night.

“I like your package, too,” she murmured, swaying close enough to rub against him.

“Excellent news, as I have need of your assistance, familiar.”

She caught her breath, knees going weak with her dizzying reaction.No longer able to play coy, she nodded.“Whatever my wizard desires of me.”

He swept her up into the balcony of his arms, carrying her out of their bedchamber.“We have an arcanium to cleanse and retune to the proper magics.”

“Oh,” she breathed, not daring to hope.“That will take considerable work, but we must do our duty to House Phel.”

The look he gave her scorched from the inside out.“Just so.I plan to spend all night on the project.”

She shivered, unbearable need taking her, a sweet counterpoint to the lulling comfort of being held close to his heart, enfolded in his strong embrace.“I confess, I love it when you carry me,” she murmured.

He brushed a kiss against her hair.“I know.I can feel it.”

He carried her all the way to the arcanium, through the temporary doors that they planned to reinforce.Everyone now had a very good idea of where the arcanium was located, so relying on secrecy to protect it was no longer an option.Gabriel, the master of innovation, had already been thinking up various magical tricks to provide additional defenses.

“Close your eyes,” he murmured as they reached the final door.His magic took hers in a sweet embrace, laying their joined mental hands on the silver circle, and she felt it open.The arcanium didn’t smell of blood as she’d feared.Instead, the heated scent of candles and roses filled her senses.

Gabriel set her on her feet.“You can look now.”

Opening her eyes, she gasped in wonder.The center circle of the tiled floor was ringed with lit candles and red roses.Inside, directly under the moon window, sat the silver bed—complete with a mattress and black bedding, neatly turned down to show the scattering of rose petals.Gabriel encircled her wrist with a firm grip, gaze firing as he sensed her heated curl of desire.“I thought you’d look good, spreadeagled naked on black, but I might have to try other colors.”

“It’s important for a wizard to experiment,” she acknowledged, mouth dry with anticipation.“Incantations of this complexity require meticulous fine-tuning.”

“Exactly what I thought.Stand still.”

She obeyed, heart thundering, as he undressed her.Taking his time, he slowly peeled the gown off of her, kissing, nipping, and licking her bare skin as he uncovered it, until she was melting, trembling so much that she thought she might not be able to stand any longer.

Sensing he had her exactly as he wanted her, Gabriel swept her up into his arms again, carrying her to the bed.Laying her down, he arranged her as he’d promised, arms and legs spread widely.Holding her gaze, he smiled slightly as the silver chains responded to their magic, snaking around her wrists and ankles.Experiencing both moving the chains and the sensation of being bound, she writhed, body singing with erotic passion and magical need.

Gabriel kissed her, long and lingering, soothing and silvery, then brushing kisses over her cheeks, forehead, and eyelids, a rain of love.His excitement flared through her, magnifying her own.“Do you feel this, too?”she asked, opening her eyes.

He ran a hand down her body, tracing the curves, eyes glittering as she moved into the caress, pleading without words.“Yes,” he answered.“I understand now why you wanted this.”Then he gave her a stern look.“And I should inform you that I have plans for your helpless body.You can beg and plead all you like, but I won’t be moved.Look up.”

He moved out of her line of sight, and she gasped in wonder at the sight of the full moon, exactly framed in the moon window, huge and luminescent, light rippling through the clear water.“Perfect timing,” she breathed.The chains tightened on her, stretching her body taut, and she moaned at the thrill of anticipation.

“Moon and water magic,” Gabriel murmured huskily.“I’ll be using both to drive you wild, and you won’t have surcease until the dawn.”The moonlight shivered over her skin, titillating pinpricks just short of pain.Gasping, she tugged against the restraints, helpless indeed.Water slid over her, cooling the prickles of silver, then heating to a near burn before steaming away.Before she could take a breath, Gabriel’s mouth followed the same path, soothing and sensitizing her skin.

Her magic billowed like fire, reaching for him, embraced in return.He began again, tormenting her with moonlight.Overhead, the moon shone like a beacon, flickers of silver traveling through the glass and struts of the dome.

It would be a very long night, indeed.

And there would be many more to come over a long life together, she’d make sure of it—and House Phel would flourish as a result.

“Are you paying attention, familiar?”Gabriel asked, nipping her sharply.

“Yes, wizard,” she answered on a delicious sigh.

Oh, yes.
