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That will be easy to do, since my focus lies entirely on Elias.

“Ms. Allen, I believe your name is?”

He says it questionably, but with almost a half-wink, and I’m afraid our entire short but crazy history is going to be revealed by that one small gesture. But I know I’m just being paranoid.

“Yes, Mr. Turner,” I tell him, wanting to clear my throat but thinking that now is not the time. “I do have a question for you.”

I have just momentarily forgotten it because it feels like everyone in the entire world is looking at me, including you, with your enchanting eyes that are connected to your amazingly hot body I just want to rub myself all over.


Why do I have to go getting horny at times like these? For Elias, of all people.

This is why I always think I should lose my virginity. It has become a real distraction – wanting to have sex and always having to repress it. I wish my parents hadn’t been so strict and then I’d have this out of my system by now.

Focus, I remind myself. Focus.

Suddenly, an idea comes to me. A way to find out whether anyone has information about the guy who attacked me, without coming out and saying what happened.

It’s not at all what I was going to ask, which was about the starting lineup and whether Elias was going to be part of it, but it’s similarly related, and it might help me kill two birds with one stone. No one thinks that Elias is going to tell me who will be in the starting lineup – the Leviathans keep that information close to their chest.

But it’s the question reporters always have to ask anyway, and perhaps phrasing it this way I’ve just thought of will bring me more luck in getting an answer than just straight up asking it.

“Mr. Turner, my question is whether there have been any changes to the Leviathan’s roster,” I tell him, looking him straight in the eyes, “whether that would relate to you not being able to be in the starting line-up, or whether it would affect the line-up for other players we’re all expecting to be there?”

“Of course I’m going to be there in the starting line-up,” Elias says, his chest jutting out in that famous swagger he and other players on the Leviathans are known for. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

The crowd audibly gasps.

I did it.

I got him to admit he’d be there.

And now to push the even more important part of my question.

“I just wondered whether there might have been any last-minute additions, changes, or perhaps a new face around the field or the locker room?”

He is looking offended now, as if he can’t believe I’m tricking him like this.

I really didn’t mean to. I just thought of it right now, a few seconds before the words came tumbling out of my mouth. But the thought was golden. And I have to act on it. It’s my job.

It’s not like I could have just taken out my notebook and scribbled down my thoughts until I had a change to ask them later. I’m sick of doing that – being the mousy girl in the corner, observing and getting good stories by my power of deduction but not actually being the one in the spotlight, asking the hard questions.

Now is my moment.

And I am going to shine.

Chapter 9


I’ll just go ahead and admit it.

This whole entire moment, this whole “it being my chance to shine” thing, is mostly all thanks to Elias.

I’m not so oblivious to obvious reason staring me in the face, even though my ego reminds me not to discount all the hard work and hustle I put in to get to where I am, so that I could even have this opportunity land in my lap – or more like, land like a kiss from Elias’ very skilled tongue in my mouth – that I can’t confess that right up front.

Just because he handed me the ability to ask him a question doesn’t mean I have to treat him with kid gloves, though. I realize, now, that in my planning of my questioning of him, I was doing that, without even knowing I was.

Because I want him.


But although I loved the way he kissed me and I wanted to keep doing it – and a lot more – with him, the biggest reason I stopped it was because I knew I had to play hard ball with him out here for the press conference, and who knows when else during the rest of this season or afterwards.

It’s not like either of us are going to stop doing our jobs.

So, we’d always have that tension between us, and it’s not good to hook up with someone like that.

Plus, he has a big head. He obviously thinks he can just walk right in and kiss me, and that I’ll be just another notch on his belt.
