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But I’m glad that the stunt she pulled is helping her career, and hopefully that it will stall things to give me enough time to bring her attacker to justice.

What can I say?

I know that she’s haughty, but she has a right to be.

I know that I should leave well enough alone.

But I can’t.

I don’t want to.

Because I just might be falling in love.

And there’s no way I’m letting her go now, without finding out exactly how far this road can take us.

Chapter 11


I can’t resist letting Elias pull me back in for another kiss. I know I shouldn’t be letting him do this, that anyone could walk in and see us and blow everything for both of us. But I guess the forbidden nature of it is part of the excitement.

I place my hands on his chest and I can feel how ripped he is, even through his shirt. I really want to touch his naked muscles. To see his big cock instead of only feel it pressing up against me.

I lock lips with him ravenously, loving how he’s devouring my mouth. I tell myself I deserve a celebratory kiss, and that I’m grateful to him for all his help. But reason steps in, and nearly forces me away from him.

“Elias, I really like… this,” I finish, because it would sound too dumb if I said “you.” “But this isn’t the greatest place to be doing it.”

“I know,” he says, flashing me his charming smile as he grins at me sheepishly. “I just couldn’t resist.”

“I think we should try to focus on business,” I tell him, trying to act professional, as if his tongue wasn’t just all the way down my throat and, before that, traveling around my neck, as well.

I have tingly goosebumps all over my body and my pussy is dripping wet. I both love and hate this effect he has on me. It’s as if I can’t resist him, even when I want to. It’s so different from the sterile, boring emotions I’m used to, which I was taught to let be the only ones that I express.

“This is a really exciting time for both of us,” I remind him. “I know we both got caught up in the moment. But while I have you here, I’d like to ask for the opportunity to do another interview. Maybe right before the big game?”

I know I’m really pressing my luck here, but I’m trying to draw inspiration from Monica. I know that if she was presented this opportunity, she would take full advantage of it, so that’s exactly what I’m trying to do.

Sure, I’d love to keep kissing Elias all day. I’d love to let him take my virginity. But I don’t see how that would be a productive use of either of our time, and it is way more likely to do more harm than good. Except for when it comes to my raging libido, of course.

It would do a lot of good there, but I’m trying not to focus there too much, since that’s the whole problem.

“I might be able to make that happen,” Elias says, with another devilish grin on his face that lets me know he has something else up his sleeve. “If you could do something for me in the meantime?”

“What’s that?” I ask, expecting him to say, “Sleep with me.”

Am I about to be propositioned? I wonder. And could I really go so far as to trade my virginity for an interview, even if it’s a career-launching one?

What would Monica do?

But Elias doesn’t say that.

Instead, he says, “Go on a date with me.”

“A… date?”

Does he mean like to the movies?

Walking around the park holding hands?

Eating ice cream?

Whatever he means, his suggestion is a whole lot more wholesome than what I was expecting.

“Yes. That old-fashioned concept,” he replies. “Where two people who like each other and want to get to know each other better converse and have fun together.”


I thought he was going to say “two people who can’t keep their hands off each other,” or something like, “It’s a way to pretend you’re into a girl before trying to get into her pants,” but that was probably just my mom’s voice in my head again.

But the fact that he means an actual date surprises me.

I thought we had a hate vibe going on but maybe it’s more like hate-to-love.

Did I just think the word ‘love’ in relation to Elias Turner?

Then again, he had just admitted he’d liked me.

Hadn’t he?

My mind is spinning in confusion when Elias takes my hand in his, gently, and says, “Earth to Stacy? I know you’re probably rehashing the most amazing question any reporter has thought up to ask a star player, for which I couldn’t blame you because it was incredibly fucking impressive. But I’m just wondering if you heard my foolish attempt to ask you out?”
