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It’s so tempting. I almost fall for it. In fact, I take a few steps towards him and he smiles at me. His mean stare is gone, and it’s replaced by something that looks like delight.

Delight that I’m falling for his trick?

I hear my parents’ harsh warnings in my head.

Don’t trust any man.

They’re not good.

They all have bad intentions.

I’m almost at his locker when I decide it’s not worth it. Maybe it’s a bad idea to listen to my parents’ voice in my head – hell, they’re the reason I’m an awkward virgin at age twenty-one – but I guess I’d rather be safe than sorry.

I start heading towards the door, telling him, “That’s okay, I think I’ll let someone else have the honor of breaking that scoop,” when he grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him, so that I can’t get away.

“What’s the matter?” he asks. “You don’t trust me?”

I try to wiggle out of his grasp but his grip on my hand only tightens more.

He’s spun me into him and with his other hand he grabs my arm.

What the hell? I wonder. Someone with access to not only the Leviathans’ locker room but also to a specific locker is trying to… what?

What is he trying to do?

I can’t even begin to think of the possibilities, because now pure fear takes over.

I scream, loudly, and do my best to run away from him, although it’s pointless.

“Leave me alone!” I yell. “Let me go!”

“Shhhhh,” he says, putting his hand over my mouth. “The more you scream, the worse it will be.”

I’m elbowing him, kneeing him, trying to bite his hand, doing everything in my power to fight back but it’s of no use. He starts dragging me to a bench in the middle of the room.

But I’ve never been as thankful in my life as I am when I hear the door to the locker room open.

“Hold it right there,” someone says.

I can’t see who it is, because the asshole stranger has had ahold of my hair and was pulling it to keep my head down as he dragged me over to the bench. But I can tell he wasn’t expecting this “intruder,” since he grips me even harder and says, “I was just…”

“You just nothing, you fucking dirt bag,” the voice says, as the man it belongs to crosses the room.

I can tell this much by hearing footsteps and making out the bottom of his shoes as they quickly approach.

And then, almost as soon as it had started, my nightmare ends, thanks to the guy with the strong voice beginning to pummel the stranger who had me in his grip. As soon as the stranger lets go of me, I look up and see the gorgeous eyes of my rescuer.

It’s Elias Turner.

I don’t know what he’s doing here, but I’m sure glad he is.

“Thank you!” I start to sputter, at the same time as he’s asking me, “Are you okay?”

In that brief amount of time, my attacker is getting away, barreling out of the locker room as if his life depends on it – and, knowing Elias’ strength and the anger that resounded in his voice as he called out to the intruder, it probably does.

“I’m fine, I think,” but I’m looking down at my arm where the guy had been holding me tight.

There’s a big red mark, and even a slight gash that is bleeding, from where he had put his nails into me.

“Let me see,” he says, coming up to take a closer look.

It’s mostly just a surface wound and no big deal. But it feels nice to have someone else here, looking after me, so I don’t tell him that.

“I’m going to go get that motherfucker,” he says, after he sees that it’s not too bad. “I can’t believe I let him get away…”

“It’s okay,” I tell him, putting a hand on his arm, to encourage him not to take off after him. “You wanted to see if I was okay. I appreciate it. I think he’s too far gone now and that even someone with your speedy sports stats can’t catch up with him. And I don’t think he’s coming back. Thanks for scaring him off for me.”

Now just stay here with me for a little bit, I want to beg him. Don’t leave me alone.

I feel too stupid to say it out loud. But he seems to hear the words anyway, gathering me into his arms and saying, “I’m so glad you’re alright.”

“Who the fuck would do something like that?” I ask him, my voice trembling more than I’d meant to let it.

“I don’t know,” he says. “But I’m determined to find out.”

Chapter 3


I’ve never in my whole fucking life been so glad to be so absent-minded. After I got off the field earlier, my mind had been on the big game coming up, and I’d rushed to my car so that I could get home and try to rest.
