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“A nice, calm, happy life?” I guess. I think of what the guys on the team say about her upbringing, her super clean-cut parents. “A white picket fence? A house, a dog, and 2.5 kids? I could make that happen.”

Fuck, look at me pulling out the big guns, I think.

This isn’t like me at all. I’m usually the one shying away from commitment, if not outright running from it while some woman tries her best to drag me into it. And here I am pitching every woman’s fantasy to this woman I’ve only just now kissed for our very first time. That’s how much I need to get into her pants. And, if I’m being honest with myself about exactly how honest I’m being with her right now, into her life.

“No,” she says, making a face that only be described as pure “cringe.” “I was going to say that I just want to be able to prepare for this interview and go out there and do my job without being distracted.”


I try to think fast on my feet, but I’m not used to being shot down like this.

“Of course,” I tell her. “But maybe afterwards you’ll be up for a celebration of your first big press conference interview?”

“I’m sorry,” she says, frowning as if she really is sorry that she’s stomping on my heart right in front of my face, while I have to stand here and pretend it doesn’t really bother me, because cocky sports athletes aren’t bothered by such things. “I’m just not interested. Not now, and not ever.”

This woman really knows how to break a man’s heart. I’m starting to see why they say she can be so stuck up. But somehow, it’s only just making me want her more.

Why the fuck does my cock want something my head knows it shouldn’t?

Is it possibly because my heart wants it, too?

Get out of here with those sappy thoughts, I tell myself.

“What was it that you wanted?” Stacy asks, walking over to the door and opening it again, as if to show me the way out.

Of course, I already know the way out. But the whole point behind it is just to add insult to injury, I suppose.

“Just that,” I tell her, shrugging and smirking and do my best to get in the last word. I make sure I’m all the way out of the room before I add the next part, because I know what’s coming next. “I just wanted to steal that kiss from you. And I’m happy to see you gave it to me so readily.”

Sure enough, she slams the door hard, and I barely have time to yank my hand off the door frame before it shuts.


They say you miss one hundred percent of the shots you don’t take, to borrow from a different sport’s analogy. I tried to shoot that one out of the park, and but it was definitely more of a swing and a miss than a homerun.

Still, I thought, to cheer myself up and shoo away the barrage of bad sports metaphors that were clamoring around inside my head, at least I went out swinging.

I tried to think of the positives.

She had kissed me back.

She had said she didn’t want to be distracted, which implied that I had had an effect on her.

She had said she wasn’t interested, I reminded myself, which definitely took some wind out of my sails.

She had said that, I argued back, mentally.

But I don’t believe her.

She was lying.

She is interested, but she’s just trying to force herself not to be.

And I’m going to show her that there’s no use in trying to resist fate.

I’m going to claim her, and she’s going to be mine.

And that’s just the way it will be, as soon as she decides to accept it.

Chapter 7


The whole time I’m pacing around the room trying to prepare for my interview and telling myself to calm down, focus, and relax, I’m still seething inside.

What a pompous asshole that Elias Turner is!

How dare he come to my prepping room and kiss me right when I’m trying to concentrate on something so vital to my career.

Doesn’t he know how much I’ve been wanting him to do that, and telling myself that I don’t really want him to do that?

How did he even know to find me here? I wonder.

Is he some kind of a stalker?

Dark possibilities flood through my mind.

Did he somehow stage the whole incident in the locker room?

Was he my savior, or part of a plot to destroy me?

But to what end?

It would make no sense.

Just so that he could play the role of knight in shining armor, rescuing me from the bad guy?

I tell myself not to think that way. I know he wouldn’t really do that. He has a good reputation on the team, and is one of the few who are scandal-free. He’s just a nice guy who did a nice thing and now he wants to fuck me.
