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Shit. How did he get in?

Can I protect myself when I long for the protection his arms give me? I don’t have time to decide when my bedroom door flies open.

I press against my headboard. Fight or flight fails me. I’m incapable of either.



“Madison.Don’teverrunoff like that again.” The words are out of my mouth the second I see her. Before I process the hurt in her expression.

“Stop.” The forcefulness of her voice surprises me. I stop in the doorway.

I raise my hands. “I’m sorry you got caught in the middle of that. I can’t believe my own son would stoop so low. I deleted the picture from his phone and where he saved it on the cloud. But…”

I rub my temples. It pains me to admit the rest.

Her voice is softer but unsettled. “I made my dad promise not to open it. I’m going to delete it from his phone when he gets home. I’ll handle it. Please leave.”

“Baby. No. I can’t stand to see you like this. Can’t stand that I’m in any way responsible for your pain.” I also can’t stand in the doorway any longer. I stride to her bed, ignoring her protest.

The bed sinks under my weight, giving me the advantage of throwing Madison off balance. I loop my hand around her waist and pull her against me. She’s in my arms. I can breathe again.

Her body accepts me, but her words hold me at bay. “You don’t have to pretend to care. I’ll get rid of the picture. I don’t want anyone to see it any more than you do.”

“Pretend? You can’t believe what Brett said. He turned my words, my intent into something ugly. I never would advocate him hurting you to advance his career. I don’t understand what got into him. If I’d known he was using you, I would have stopped him. I’ve loved you for longer than I should admit. I’ve sacrificed my happiness for my son’s.”

“You have?” She squirms to face me.

I stroke my thumb over her tear-stained cheek. “I’ve never been able to convince myself that I don’t love you. Giving you my…our last names isn’t a joke. And I promise to be a better dad for our children than I was with Brett.” It’s taking all of my willpower not to take her right here on her bed, but since her dad is on his way home, I have to wait.

“You’re serious?”

“The night you broke up with Brett, I wanted to claim you right there in the hallway, but you looked so hurt and broken…betrayed, by my son. I told myself that the look of desire that flashed through your expression was my imagination. I had to give you time. A few nights later, you stopped the clock.”

“And Elijah? Have you had a relationship with him before?”

“Never. I can’t explain how we both felt right about sharing you. He’d be here now if I hadn’t asked him to keep Brett under control. I tried talking to my son, but he refused. I’ll try again later.”

Holding her isn’t enough. Knowing she’s safe isn’t enough. Possibly having created a life with her isn’t enough. I need to be inside of her again…need to be one with her. And I need Elijah to be a part of it. He completes us.

Shifting Madison onto her back, I brace myself on my elbow and trail my hand down her body. Brett didn’t hurt her physically but I still check.

Is she still mine, ours? Can she trust me the way I trust her? I need confirmation from her soul.

Our eyes lock as I caress my hand over her cheek. “I’ll never let anything bad happen to you again.”

“It wasn’t your fault.”

“Elijah and I claimed you as ours. If anything happens to you, it’s our fault.” I slowly lower my lips to hers. My kiss is tender, just a brush, asking if she can trust us again. Her body won’t lie.

I take a breath before pressing my lips to hers again. It’s wrong to do this without Elijah but I have to know.

She parts her lips, and I have my answer. She’s ours forever and ever.

My cock strains against my jeans as I roll on top of her. My heart aches with the need to make everything right. I will soon enough. For now, the best I can do is to be close.

“I love you so much, Madison.”
