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My secretary pops her head into my office. “Have a nice weekend, Mister Hampton.”

Pulling my finger away from Elijah’s phone number, I check the clock. “Time to go already?”

“Some of us actually have lives outside of work. You should try it some time.” Her playful comment, one she’s egged me on about before, hits hard today.

“You might be on to something.” I let her words sink in for a few minutes after she leaves. Elijah would be pissed if I bail since our schedules are full. I’ll keep the meeting with him, but I need to work on getting a personal life. One where I do more than work and jack off to my son’s ex-girlfriend.

But apparently, that will start tomorrow because I work a few more hours then, when I get home, I head straight to the game room where I can keep an eye on Madison’s window. I’ll close the curtains when Elijah arrives.

Headlights from a car pull out from her house but a quick assessment tells me it’s her dad. Roarke already hates me. He’d kill me if he knew I wanted to fuck his daughter. What he wouldn’t understand is that I want to do so much more. Protect her from jerks like my son.

We’ve been at odds for a few years now, never seeing eye to eye on anything, but he took it to an all new level by cheating on Madison.

Elijah messaged that he was going to be later than normal, so it’s already dark. I’m already hopeful. My balls are already blue.

I’m rubbing chalk over the tip of my cue when light causes me to do a double take. Madison’s window. The curtains are wide open. This time a soft light illuminates her as she stands in the opening. It’s purposeful. Her body is angled to the side, she’s clutching the front of her robe, and I can’t tell what she’s looking at. Something in the room. Why am I not her first thought? Why am I jealous?

Dragging her fingers through her hair, she twirls the dark strands.

The pool chalk clatters somewhere under the table.

She’s playing with me. She wants me to see. Fuck. My dick is hard. How is my son such an idiot?

Please don’t let this be another dream. It’s so real. I need it to be real. I’ve filled her with my seed so many times, only to wake up with my dick in my hand. That can’t keep happening.

Our eyes catch for the briefest of seconds, but for that tiny slip of time, I’m electrified. She knows I can see her.

I lean against the end of the pool table closest to the window. What’s under her baby blue robe today? Nothing? A guy can hope.

She mills back and forth past the window frame as seconds tick away. My cock gets harder with each one. The seductress is playing innocent. I’m reassured that with the way our houses face, none of our neighbors can see in our windows.

I’m dying to strip bare and relieve my cock of the agony it’s facing trapped in my jeans. I brazenly rub a hand over it. Can’t take them off just yet, but fuck I want to. I have half a mind to head over to her house so I can sink my dick into her tight pussy and give her as many orgasms as she can handle.

Has my son even bothered to make her come? That shouldn’t be my concern, but as soon as I knew he didn’t treat her right, I wanted to know the extent. I’d hate it if any man had wronged her. I’d hate it if any man treated her well. The only thing I can handle is her being mine.

Fuck. The craving I’ve had for her for far too long is out of control.

She pauses in the window, looking into the distance. I’m fairly certain her busyness is all part of the show. My fiery little angel wants me to see, but isn’t sure how far to take it.

She’s not mine.

That’s why I should get a grip. Look away. Close the blinds. It’s a show. She wants to hurt Brett. There can’t be any more to it than that. Then I remember the look in her eyes and the way her body willingly sank into mine for that stolen moment, and I’m not so sure.

She eases her fingers down the center of her robe, draping it open around her bra.

My cock twitches.

Holy babymaker. The small strip of fabric that dips between her legs is barely enough to be called panties. I could slip my cock around those in a heartbeat.

I squeeze my cock through my jeans. My free hand clutches the edge of the pool table, anchoring me. I can’t go to her. The things I want to do to her aren’t right. Even if she’d have me, I can’t be her rebound…or revenge…I want to be her reason.

“Hey honey, I’m home,” Elijah calls from way too close. How did I not hear him come in?

Damn it. I lean forward to lower the blinds to protect Madison, to keep her as my own.

“Fuck.” Elijah’s seen her.

Disappointment sinks through me that I didn’t act fast enough. I let her down. Elijah is grabbing my arm, pulling it away from the blinds. I’m about to shove him away when I realize she isn’t hiding.
