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“You’re right. I’ll find someone perfect for me, because it definitely wasn’t Brett. And it most certainly won’t be aboy.” I snap the last word and leave him fumbling to clarify he didn’t mean boy.

I tune him out well before I get to my room and slam the door. The closed curtains beckon. I rush to them, placing my hands on the center hems, pausing for a moment. Am I doing this for the right reasons? All I’ve ever wanted is to be seen.

Throwing the curtains back, my soul flickers to life. Jayce is sitting on his deck. His head snaps my direction, and the flicker rages to an inferno.

My phone dings from where I dropped it on my dresser, reminding me that I barely have time to get showered and out the door to meet Calli. I can’t miss this perfect opportunity with Jayce though.

Glancing around, I confirm the world has boiled down to Jayce and me. I’m a touch sad his friend isn’t around, but after this, I bet his friend will be back.

Teasing him in the light of day is a little intimidating. A lot intriguing. Turning away from the window, I remove my pajama shirt. I wrap my arm over my bare chest as I walk through my room, picking the clothes I plan to wear, and laying them on my bed.

Assuming he’s still watching, because…why not…I wave over my shoulder as I head to my bathroom. The privacy of the smaller room gives me a chance to think. This might not amount to anything more than some fun, but I’ll only know if I try.

I adjust the water temperature while I sort my emotions. They’re so intense, I can’t peel them apart. Excitement, pride, fear, anger. There’s a little bit of everything. I’m way out of my comfort zone. But my dad’s right. People don’t get what they want by waiting for it to come to them.

Which gives me another idea. Have all the fun I can. I unlock the bathroom window and slide it open, pretending not to notice Jayce. All he can see through this window is from my waist up. My breasts are on full display. I bend down, stripping my shorts, lift them high enough he can see, then set them on the window sill before stepping into the shower.

I wash up quickly so he doesn’t lose interest and I give him another peep of my perky tits while I dry off. Then I cross in front of my bedroom window in only a towel. Out of sight, I slip my panties on but forgo my bra. Clutching my sundress against my chest, I position myself in front of the window again.

The glance I allowed myself reveals that he slipped his sunglasses on and kicked back in his chair. Nice job disguising what he’s looking at. We can both pretend to be disinterested.

With my back to him, I slip my arms into the dress, angle it overhead, and let it slink down my body, shifting my hips to help it. I’ve never experienced a rush like this. I’m about to explode with that thing I still don’t understand.

I don’t look over my shoulder as I grab my purse and head out of my bedroom. It’s not until I’m in the driveway that I look up at his deck. He’s standing. Watching me. Another spear of excitement pierces me. Am I an exhibitionist?

I glance to see if anyone’s nearby. The mayor, who lives across our little lake is looking my direction. I feel caught before I even do anything. He’s not looking at me though. His gaze is next door. Peeking over, I see our neighbors, Nathan and Carson, are rather cozy with a girl I went to high school with. Interesting. Stealing a second glance, I confirm that she’s sandwiched between them. Okay, if she can have two guys, so can I. I’m going for it.

Wiggling my fingers in a wave, I turn back to Jayce. “Gotta go meet someone. I hope your friend is back tonight.”

I pull my car door open, jump inside, and force myself not to look again. There’s something in the unknown, not giving him a chance to take control that’s totally getting me off. I have to calm myself before I can start the car.

Too many years were wasted on a singleboy.Menare what I need. But first I have to win my best friend back.

A short trip down memory lane while I drive into town revisits the conversation that drove us apart. She’d warned me that Brett was using me. I’d thought I had the best comeback when I pointed out he couldn’t be because we weren’t having sex.

It devolved from there when I called her jealous and didn’t need anyone telling me who I should or shouldn’t date, then she got mad and went out with friends we didn’t know and got arrested, and I didn’t bail her out. She’s not from the expensive neighborhood I live in, and that was the only time money ever became an issue between us. Yeah, it was rough, but I’m ready to admit that she was right about Brett not being in love with me, although I still don’t understand why he didn’t just dump me.

Callie’s in the corner booth when I arrive. Our old favorite awaits—an order of cheese fries. I didn’t think to bring a peace offering. Trusting her with my secret will have to do. We never talked about older guys. I have no idea what she’ll think. But no need to worry about that until we reconnect.

She jumps up and gives me a hug. I almost cry. I hold her tight. Friendship is such a precious commodity. “I’m so sorry I was the worst best friend ever.”

“Is that why you’re so hard to replace? Let’s let all of that stay in the past.”

Her tone carries more remorse than I expect. We agree that we were teens making bad choices. Time to embrace our hard-earned maturity.

We each take a side of the booth. “Yeah, I’ve been without a bestie since I left for college.” I pick up a cheese fry and point it toward her. “Gossip on the lips. Cheese fries on the hips.”

She busts out laughing, grabs a fry, and taps it to mine the way we used to. “My metabolism isn’t as forgiving as it was in high school, even with running around the diner all day, but yes. I’d like to try this best friend thing again, which is why we need to talk.”

A strangle sound, like really fast nonsense talking starts and she grabs her phone.

“Is that a Minion ringtone?”

Whatever the text message says, it made her nervous. She shoves the phone back on the table, face down. “Yeah.”

“What happened toBad to the Bone?”

“I relate better to crazy purple Minions now.”
