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“I love you too, Daddy.”

He released me and headed back into the kitchen.

“It is way too early for this shit,” Vince Junior grumbled, rubbing his eyes.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him.

“My apartment was being fumigated. And I’d rather stay here than at a friend’s place.” He grimaced. “I think I’m getting old. My friends are fucking pigs.”

I laughed.

Vince’s brows narrowed. He reached out, brushing a hand over the bridge of my nose.

Pain shot out behind my eyes. I gasped, pulling away from him.

“Who do I need to kill?” he demanded, his voice rough.

“God, no one.” I punched him in the shoulder. “That hurt.”

“What happened? Is that why Dad’s stewing?” Vince asked, nodding toward the kitchen.

I followed his gaze. Dad was leaning against the counter while Mom cooked breakfast. She would push him out of the way every so often.

“Zach accidently elbowed me in the face,” I told my brother.

“Wow. And he’s still alive? I’m surprised you didn’t kill him yourself.”

I spun on my brother. “What’s with all the killing jokes? No one is dying. Just once I would like a normal fucking family.”

“Luna,” Mom gasped.

“Sorry.” My cheeks burned. Our parents were good about us swearing but even I had to admit, that was a little much.

Vince chuckled.

“Why don’t you go back to the hole you crawled out of,” I mumbled, shoving past him and stomping down the hall to my old bedroom.

“Love you too, Sis,” he called out.

“Yeah, yeah.” I waved at him over my shoulder. Once I reached my bedroom, I opened the door and breathed in the familiar scent. It was a bit of rose mixed with vanilla and chai. It was incense that I found years ago and would light them only on special occasions. But no matter how long time went by where they weren’t lit, I could still smell my favorite scent.


“I’m going to lay down,” I told my dad. “It’s been a long night.”

“I know.” He shifted from foot to foot, ran a hand through his black hair and cleared his throat.

“What is it?” I asked, my stomach twisting over the nervousness rolling off of him in waves.

“I promise you. I’ll make this right again,” he said, turning on his heel and heading back the way he had come.

I closed the door to my room and leaned against it. I wasn’t sure how my dad was going to make this right, but I hoped that it worked.

Before it was too late.


IT HADFELT LIKEjust yesterday that I ended things with Luna when really, it had been three weeks. After telling my dad what had happened and how I accidentally hit Luna, we had a few more shots between us and I passed out on the couch in his office. I woke hours later, feeling somewhat lighter. Even though nothing was resolved between me and Luna, just telling my dad everything and getting it all off of my chest helped. It helped a lot.
