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“Now is not the time to be cocky.” Angel squeezed my shoulders, digging his fingers into the muscle.

I winced.

“Tell me why you’ve been here every day for the past three weeks,” Stone demanded.

“I’m trying to figure out how to apologize to your daughter. And also, not get killed in the process.” Luna may have been tiny, but she was raised by Creena, who was as ruthless as they came. Rumors went around about her past, but she never confirmed them. Hit man, contract killer. The list went on.

“Give me a moment alone with Zach.” Stone clapped my shoulder. “We need to have a chat.”

“I thought that’s what we were already doing,” I mumbled.

“Now is not the time to be funny.” He squeezed my shoulder, digging his fingers in hard.

A sharp pain shot throughout the muscle, but I refused to let him see that it hurt.

He smirked.

Asher and Angel moved to the other end of the bar, keeping watch. Probably making sure I didn’t bolt.


My gaze snapped back to Stone’s.

“I don’t like that you took my daughter’s virginity. Hell, I wouldn’t like it if any fucker took it. But you were raised by two of my best friends. I see a lot of Coby in you even though you’re not technically blood related. He’s a good man and he loves Brogan. Before I met Creena, I’d never seen a love like that before. It was what I strived for. Why am I saying this instead of killing you right now?”

“The question crossed my mind,” I mumbled.

“Because mypiccolaloves you. But we are men and we fuck up. So, you have to go to her instead of sitting here like a pussy. Man up. And you have a good role model, so I know she’s in good hands.”

My jaw dropped a bit.

“Don’t think this is me giving you my approval. Because I’m not. You need to prove to me that you would do anything for her. Her happiness comes first.”

“That’s all I care about,” I told him. “I never meant to hit Ashton. But I couldn’t stop myself.”

“It’s funny because I know exactly how that feels. We all do. We’ve also all fucked up before too, but we were able to get our women back.”

“Why now?” I asked, unsure if I wanted the answer or not.

Stone looked everywhere but at me. “Because I realized that I hurt her by butting my nose in. I never wanted that. I have my reasons why I acted the way I did. Will I ever tell you? I’m not sure. Hell, my wife didn’t even know at first. But I now understand that it’s not just me. It’s you.”

I swallowed past the bile that had suddenly risen to my throat.

“When people get too close, you push them away. I get it. Creena did the same to me in the beginning, but if you love Luna like I think you do, you won’t let your past stop you.” Stone paused. “But I promise you, if you can’t make Luna happy and I see my baby crying again because of you, I will hunt you down and scatter your bones across this fucking earth. You got me?”

I nodded. “I got you.”

“Now.” Stone clapped my shoulder. “The real question is, what are you willing to do to get Luna back?”




After getting off work late, I made my way home and crawled into bed. Gigi was throwing another party, but I just wanted to be alone. I wasn’t in the mood to be social. Not that I ever socialized really before. The parties were her thing.

I hadn’t seen Zach in almost a month, and I needed to talk to him. About us, about our future and what the hell we were doing. I refused to believe that it was over between us because no matter what happened, we would always be in each other’s lives.
