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Watching Zach stand up to my father, even if no words were said, sent a rush of excitement through me.

Dad might not have had everything to do with this, but I knew he was one of the main reasons why Zach held back.

I had to make my dad see that I was an adult and that I was no longer his little girl before it was too late, and I lost Zach forever.



Staring Stone down was something I never thought I would do. He was a large scary fucker, but I refused to let him stand in the way of what I was trying to work toward. Even though I knew that I didn’t deserve Luna, I couldn’t help but touch her, kiss her, hold her. She had gotten under my skin years ago. It was like she burrowed herself into the marrow of my bones and refused to leave.

I knew Luna had believed the rumors. How could she not when I never denied them myself?

When I told her that there was no date and that I hadn’t had sex in over a year, it was like something shifted between us. I could see the relief flood her eyes.

Yeah, sweet girl, I am all yours.

Truth was, I had trouble getting it up in the beginning. The nightmares from my past had become so frequent and overwhelming, that they’d appear in my waking thoughts. Until Luna, my body had a hard time reacting. But it wasn’t for lack of trying. I had used sex as a way to numb the pain, but it got to the point that it didn’t work. I could hear my stepmother’s voice over and over in my head, telling me that I wasn’t good enough. It got to the point, I could never finish, so I gave up and stopped having sex. Instead, I worked out. A lot.

I needed to tell Luna this. I needed to explain everything and tell her that it had only ever been her, but fear was a bitch and it stopped those words from leaving my mouth.

I blew out a slow breath and gripped the steering wheel tight in my hands. I shouldn’t have left, but I knew that if I would have stayed like I wanted to, I would have ended up spending the night balls deep in Luna. She wasn’t ready. She said she was. She acted like she was. But she wasn’t. I knew, because I wasn’t ready either. I didn’t want to hurt her, but our friendship meant more to me than sex.

Even after realizing she had a crush on me, I never acted on it. As much as I wanted to, something always held me back. Her father. Me. My past.

Stone didn’t think I was good enough for his daughter. Well, neither did I.

But I could still feel the heat between her legs. The way her pussy clenched around my finger. Her moans on my tongue as I kissed her.

My dick lengthened, pushing against the fly of my jeans. Fuck me. Just the thought of her had me wanting to beg like a bitch in heat. I wasn’t used to this. This want. This incessant need where I couldn’t do anything else but have Luna at my side.

I was like a caged animal. I craved her virginity and as much as that made me sound like a fucking caveman, I was determined to get it.

My hands white knuckled the steering wheel. Thoughts of Luna sucking me off while I was driving, rushed through my mind.

My cock lengthened even more, pushing against the fly of my pants.

As soon as I pulled up to my parents’ place, I sent up a prayer that the lights were off. Either they were out, or they had retired for the night. When I drove into the garage and saw that it was empty, I breathed out a sigh of relief.

My parents were out, enjoying the marriage their love had created. I knew because when I was a kid, I had accidentally stumbled upon some toys they had collected over the years. After the abuse I had endured by the hands of my stepmother, I thought my dad was going to beat me for invading his privacy. But he only sat me down and explained in not so much detail, what the items were. It was only when I got older that he told me about the BDSM lifestyle.

“Isn’t this like a no-no for you to be telling me about your sex life?” I should have been grossed out, but I wasn’t. I was intrigued. Not with my parents’ private life but by how open dad was. How no matter what he and my mom had gone through, they talked about it. I had learned very quickly that communication was key.

“Maybe it’s not the norm for me to be telling you.” Dad shrugged. “But I don’t give a shit. You and I both know that life isn’t normal. I would also rather you learn from me than the Internet.”

Made sense. “So why now?”

“You’re eighteen.” And I wasn’t a virgin went unsaid. Meaning, I fucked an actual woman and not...I swallowed hard, nightmares from my past trying to take over.

“Listen to me, Son.” My dad placed a gentle hand on my arm. “Whatever you do, whatever you’re into, just please make sure it’s consensual. If it’s men or women, I don’t give a shit, as long as you have their consent.”

I laughed. “Are you trying to tell me that you wouldn’t care if I was gay?”

“I wouldn’t.” He sat back in his leather recliner. “As long as you’re treated well, I couldn’t give a shit.”

I smiled, my heart warming even more for the man I had looked up to for as long as I could remember. “I’m not gay but thank you.”

He nodded once. “I just want you happy, Zach.” He pointed at me. “And please remember, communication is key.”
