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Her face turned red. “I was supposed to go on a date…withyou, asshole.”

My eyes widened.Oh shit. “I told Ashton I wasn’t going on the date.” I was going to kill him.

“Well he never told me that.” The woman scrubbed a hand down her face. “I can’t believe this. I can’t believe I was stood up and then the guy still shows up. God, I’m so stupid.”

“No, this is not your fault or mine. It’s Ashton’s.”

“He said he talked to you but never told me that you said no.” She turned to me, crossing her knee over the other. “You really said no?”

“Yes. There’s someone else and it wouldn’t be fair to her or you, for me to go on this date. That’s why I said no. I can be an asshole but that’s a dick move and even I would never do that.”

She pursed her full lips. “Fine.” She let out a heavy sigh, her shoulders dropping. “I’m sorry.”

“No.” I signaled the waiter over. “Let me buy you a drink. And then I’m going to murder my friend.”

The woman laughed. “Well, since we’re here. I guess I should introduce myself too.” She rose from her stool and came toward me, sitting on the one beside me. “Clara Blanco.” She stuck out her hand.

“It’s nice to meet you.” I returned the handshake, half-expecting to feel something. A jolt of excitement. A newfound energy. But there was nothing. Years ago, Clara would have been the type I had gone for.

Blonde. Blue eyed. Tanned.

Now, her type didn’t do it for me.


My body stirred.

I bit back a smirk.Shedefinitely did it for me.

“So how long have you known Ashton?”

“Since I was a kid. How did you meet him?”

“Uh…” Her cheeks reddened. “We met at The Dove Project. He had just finished up some work and one thing led to another.” She laughed. “I’m not usually that type but I was bored. Anyway, it was fun with him, but he ended up telling me about his single friend who needed a kick in the butt. I guess you’re that friend.”

“Yeah. I guess so.” I still wondered what his true intention was with Luna and why all of a sudden, he was acting this way when he never made a move before. “I am sorry for the misunderstanding.”

“Not your fault.” Clara gave me a small smile. “Whoever this woman is, she’s very lucky. Most guys these days would still have gone on the date with me.”

“A couple years ago and I probably would have but I’m not that guy anymore.” I shrugged.

“Good.” Clara finished off her first martini and brought the second one to her lips. “Thank you for the drink.”

I lifted my glass of water. “To a new friendship.”

She smiled, clinking her glass against mine. “Cheers.”



“So, he didn’t go on the date.”

“Nope.” I leaned against my dresser, letting out a slow breath of relief.

“You’re sure about that?”

I met Meadow’s gaze. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
