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My phone buzzed a moment later, forcing my eyes to the small screen.

Unknown number: It’s Sammy. Put a lock on your damn phone.

I drew in a sharp breath but did as I was told.

Me: You know, you really need to learn your manners and how to say please. I don’t like being told what to do.

Sammy: I have manners when they’re warranted, Red. And yeah, I bet your beautiful fucking ass that you do in fact like being told what to do.

I huffed, about to put my phone away when another text came through from him.

Sammy: I gave you my number because I’m sick of this shit. You want to fuck, text me and I’ll drop everything and be right over.

My body burned. Yes, God yes, I wanted that. I wanted all of that. I wanted to know what he felt like. I wanted to run my hands over every single hard line of him. I wanted to put a smile on his face and warmth in his eyes. But most of all, I wanted him to make me scream his name.

Me: Playing nice finally, Sammy?

Sammy: Careful because trust me, you do not want to push me.

Me: Your idle threats are cute, Sam, but you don’t scare me.

Sammy: I don’t want to scare you. I want to break you instead.

I read his words over and over before responding.

Me: What’ll happen if I push you?

As I sent the text, I stepped into Rouge. When I reached the main area that was an open space with tables surrounding a large stage, my phone buzzed again.

Sammy: Keep pushing, Red, and see what happens.

I rolled my eyes.

Sammy: Don’t roll your eyes at me, pet.

My back stiffened. My head snapped up, finding dark eyes staring directly back at me. Sammy was sitting in a booth to my left. From where I stood, he was the only one I could see. He sipped at his beer, keeping his gaze locked with mine.

He watched me like he could see right through me, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. I felt naked every time I was around him, which wasn’t very often. He was always with his crew. The Hell’s Harlem Motorcycle Club. My late husband was a member of the same club but in a different chapter in another state. It seemed I couldn’t get away from them, even if I tried.

Clearly, I had a type.

Arms suddenly wrapped around my middle.

I stiffened.

Sammy’s eyes darkened, that scowl deepening on his face. Before I knew what he was doing, he was up and out of his seat and stomping toward me.


I wasn’t overly surewhy I was surprised that Sammy reacted the way he did when another man touched me, but I was. Especially when Sammy pushed the guy away from me before I could even see who it was. Not that I needed to because no matter where I went and who I was with, a certain individual always showed up and I didn’t need to actually see his face to know who it was.

But before I could stop him, Sammy had Will Hodges up against the wall. Will apparently thought it was funny and laughed.

“Something funny, fucker?” Sammy growled, pushing his forearm into Will’s jugular.

“Yeah,” Will grit out through clenched teeth. “Just think it’s funny that you think she’s actually worth it.”

I glared at him. As much as I didn’t actually want to stop Sammy, I went up to them and grabbed Sammy’s arm. “Stop.”
