Page 19 of Bundle of Joy

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But real life calls, and neither of us has any idea what we’re doing in this fantasy world we’ve created. So, with many sighs of reluctance we step out, get dried, and tell each other goodbye, for now, anyway. But my cock is already hard again and can’t wait until we can do this next time.

And as I press her to me for a final kiss and feel her hard nipples up against my chest, I know she feels the same. I can’t help but pinch one last time before saying, “I’ll see you again soon, right?”

“Tomorrow morning, just as we planned.”

“Oh yeah,” I tell her. “That feels further away now than I thought. I hope I can wait that long.”

“I’m sure you can manage,” she laughs. “And I know it’ll be worth the while for both of us.”

I watch her curvy figure walk away and wish I could go with her, and take Charlie with me. We have all the money in the world but I want love.

Did I just say I wanted love? I ask myself.

I know it’s the Christmas season and miracles happen at Christmas, but I never would have thought that I would be thinking I might be falling in love with someone, and especially not this soon. Especially not someone I just asked to be my nanny and who just had her first day on the job.

Those curves of hers must be very powerful, indeed.

Chapter 10


It’s been a week now that I’ve been nannying for Charlie, and things have been going great. Today, we’re making Christmas decorations for the house, cutting triangles out of white pieces of paper to make snowflakes to hang up.

It’s been a long time since I’ve done this, but I think it’s coming along pretty well.

“Look at mine!” Charlie says, holding up his creation.

“That’s awesome,” I tell him. “I only made mine with 5 pointy sides and you made yours with six.”

“Yeah, that’s because I’m six!” he exclaims happily.

He’s been doing a lot better since I’ve been nannying for him. I think his issues were mainly caused by a lack of a good sleep routine or just routine in general, a lack of ability to run around or be creative in order to engage physically and mentally, and a desire for more attention. Now that I have him napping and have encouraged Daniel to put him on a good sleep schedule, and now that I engage him in activities, he has become a lot more like an angel than like the devil he used to be.

He has gotten to see Daniel, more, too – if only because it seems Daniel likes to take more frequent breaks from work to come home and see me while I’m here.

“Daddy!” Charlie cries out, as if he can read my thoughts and is speaking of the devil.

He had been able to make out the sound of his father’s footsteps out front, before I’d realized Daniel was home. But now that Daniel walks in the front door, I realize how eager I’d been to see him, without really knowing it.

My feet are jittery under the table, so I get up to go take his coat, at the same time that Charlie is bounding over to him saying, “Daddy, daddy, daddy!”

“Thanks,” Daniel says, as he hands me his coat and takes Charlie up into his arms.

It’s not something I normally do and I hadn’t even thought consciously to do it, but I think I was naturally getting up to go greet Daniel with a hug and then realized it wouldn’t be appropriate around Charlie. I know we’re trying not to confuse him with whether I’m the nanny or the girlfriend, or get him too attached to me as more than a nanny instead of a mother figure or something, but now I’m the one who’s getting confused, as it’s hard to want to do something that comes naturally, like a hug or kiss, but have to hold back and remember not to when Charlie is around.

So, I guess taking his coat was the best way I could greet him that didn’t seem too weird for Charlie. Although I wish I could just wrap my arms around him and be swept off my feet by Daniel, I find myself feeling surprised that taking his coat is a decent substitute. It feels domestic, as if we actually live here together.

I go hang it up in the hall closet while Charlie shows Daniel the crafts we’ve been making.

“And I made more pointy thingies on my snowflake than Catharine did, because I’m older than her. I’m six and she’s five,” Charlie is saying.

“Is that right?” Daniel asks him in response, and we both laugh.

“You’re home early today,” I comment, because normally my shift lasts for at least another couple of hours.

“Yes, I thought I’d surprise you both,” he says. I look at him expectantly and he adds, “I had my driver go pick up a Christmas tree and some pizza. I know you and Charlie have been getting ready for Christmas together and that I rarely have time. I hate to admit we didn’t do anything at all in terms of Christmas decorations last year, other than a miniature fake tree I put his presents near, because I forget about these things until the last minute. So, I appreciate your help in this regard and I thought I’d contribute by getting us a real Christmas tree we can all three decorate together.”
