Page 7 of Bundle of Joy

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I want to make her feel so damn good. I know she could make me feel really good, too.

I get off the treadmill and get down on the floor and do pushups – one, two, three – but I still can’t get her off my mind. My cock is getting hard no matter how much I will it not to – four, five six. I tell myself I can’t possibly jerk off while thinking about Catharine at the office – seven, eight, nine. That would be too far and what if someone knocked on the door and I had to hurry up and go answer it?

By the time I get to ten, eleven, twelve pushups, I realize it’s futile to fight this force that is pushing me in my mind. I go into my sauna and I pull down my underwear.

My cock hurriedly makes its way out, as if it was being suffocated to death while being denied its freedom to be pleasured while I think about Catharine. It doesn’t flop out, because it’s hard. It stands straight up as if begging for my attention.

I wrap my hand around my shaft and move it up and down while I’m wishing it was Catharine’s hand. I feel pre-cum on the head of my cock and wish that Catharine could look it off. I want to bend her over and fuck her senseless.

I think about sucking her cute little nipple while I jerk myself off, letting loose now and really pumping hard and fast. Soon I’m cumming while I think about making her cum, by moving my mouth down to her pussy and sucking on her hard little clit. The thought of it is just too over-powering and I find great relief in my orgasm.

I hurry into my shower so I can clean up and get back to the meeting I’d temporarily called off. But I start to realize there’s a way I might be able to get Catharine’s contact information.

As soon as I’m out of the shower, I pick up my phone to call the ski resort, my heart beating nearly as quickly at the thought of seeing Catharine again as I had just been beating off my cock at the thought of fucking her.

Chapter 4


I’m at home in my bath tub – one of my favorite things to do since I’m on the cold slopes so much is to take a warm bath when I’m not – and all I can do is think about Daniel. His curly brown hair and light green eyes. His broad chest and wide shoulders and tall height.

I find myself touching my pussy as I imagine what his chest must look like. And what I want him to do to me. I bet he could throw me over his shoulder and ski down the mountain, and then throw me in the snow and warm me up by covering me with his strong body and filling my pussy with his big cock.

I put my pussy up to the faucet so the water can do to it what I wish Daniel would. Meanwhile, I’m rubbing my clit and thinking about him kissing my neck, my breasts, my stomach, and, finally, my pussy that is feeling so good right now.

“Mmmm,” I moan out load, since I live alone, humping the water and wishing it was Daniel making me feel this good.

I cum so much that it seems like water is gushing out of me instead of just the faucet. Breathless, I lie back for a moment, seeing stars and feeling satisfied. After a little while, I decide it’s time to wash up and get out of the bath.

There’s someone I’ve been meaning to talk to.

“Hey girl,” Sally says, as soon as I wrap myself in my robe and call her.

“Hey! I wanted to tell you that that cake you made for the birthday party at the resort was amazing,” I tell her.

“Well, I’m glad you all liked it,” she says, always her humble self. “I wanted to be sure to make good on your referral, because I appreciate it.”

“You did way more than make good on it!” I tell her. “You knocked it out of the park.”

“Great,” she says. “Think they’ll have me back to make more?”

“I’ll definitely ask around,” I tell her. “But I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be working there. I know for sure, though, that the little boy and his dad really liked it. In fact…”

I trail off, unsure whether I should continue.

I want to tell Sally about my flirtation with Daniel and his offer to work for him, but suddenly I’m worried she’ll think I’m an idiot for even considering it. Just like Michelle did. Maybe it’s best if I make the decision on my own, although I have no idea what it will be.
