Page 19 of Never Gone

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“Yeah I do.” She patted my chest. “Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s not that bad.”

“Oh, it’s definitely not bad but it’ll involve some changes. I’m sure my dad won’t be too happy about it.” He had been happy to move out of this town but like Marley, Shefford was my home. It only took leaving it to realize how much I was missing. Besides the woman standing in front of me, so many firsts happened here.

“Do you remember when we were caught making out by Ricki?” I asked Marley, leaning an arm on top of the passenger door. “The second time?”

“Oh yeah.” She giggled, a slight flush hitting her cheeks. “I thought that vein in his forehead was going to explode. Can you imagine what he would have done if he would have caught us a half an hour earlier?”

I grinned. “He would have seen me balls deep inside my girlfriend and smoking a joint at the same time. That was hot as hell.”

“It was.” She stood on tip toes and kissed my cheek. “Let’s go pay our respects to your dad at the reception. I’m sure you want to get this over with.”

“Yeah. I don’t know why he wouldn’t have the reception here,” I said more to myself than to her. Truth was, my father probably wanted out of this place more than anyone.

But before Marley could slip into the car, I grabbed her hand and stopped her. “Thank you.”

She frowned. “For what?”

“For not giving up on us and for giving me a second chance.”

Her cheeks reddened even more. “I love you, Atlas. I’ve always loved you. I think it took you leaving for me to realize just how much I actually missed you.”

“You’re incredible,” I told her, releasing her and letting her sit in the passenger seat. When she was buckled in, I shut the door and glanced out over the large field that sat behind my grandfather’s house.

The field went all around the town of Shefford. While my grandparents didn’t own the whole land, their house was the biggest in this area, so out of respect for them, their neighbors would give them the heads up whenever they were building on the land. To have that sort of respect was awe-inspiring. No matter what my father thought of his dad, I loved him, and I wish I could have told him that. But because I couldn’t, I would make up for it in other ways.

The first thing being, moving back home and having Marley at my side.

Once and for all.


When Atlas told methat he was moving his office to Shefford, I almost didn’t believe him. He had told me as kids that he wanted out of town, but I realized now that he had been home for a year, he actually regretted that decision.

“The grass isn’t always greener on the other side, Marley. I finally realized that. Even though it took me awhile to get my head out of my ass.”

That had been after I squealed and cried, sobbed and broke down that he was finally mine. After all of this time, Atlas Horne was mine for good and no one would take him away from me.

Now it was a year later, and Atlas was working hard from his office in our home. He had moved in with me and turned the spare room into an office that was small but big enough for everything he had to do to build his career. Sure, he didn’t have the prestigious cases he used to by living in the city, but he was able to help those in our town.

I worried at times that he would be upset that he would never become this high-profile lawyer that he had strived to be in the beginning, but whenever he would look at me with that love in his dark eyes, my worries went away. Especially when he walked by me and placed his hands on my swollen belly and a peck on my lips.

“Mine,” he would say after kissing my belly.

My stomach would do summersaults and that delicious desire for him would grow. Ever since I found out that I was pregnant, that desire only seemed to intensify. It got to the point where he couldn’t get any work done. So eventually, we had to start setting a schedule.

Every time I walked by the calendar and my eyes would land on8pm – Fuck my wife, I would laugh.

He told me that was why he did it.

Warm arms wrapped around my stomach, a soft peck landing on my shoulder. “You’re thinking.”

“I was reminiscing,” I corrected, turning in his arms.

“I know this is fast. The wedding. This.” Atlas cupped my stomach. “But I can’t even begin to tell you how happy you’ve made me.”

My eyes welled. We got married a few months after he moved in with me. And then I found out I was pregnant and everything else just fell into place. “Same, Atlas. Same.”

He looked over my head before glancing at his watch. “It’s 8pm.”
