Page 21 of Misbehaving

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“Holy…” Beatriz said as Ben pulled out of her and collapsed onto his back. He hit the mattress with his hand hard enough to rattle the headboard.

“That’s it. I’m tapping out for the night. Sorry.”

“Sorry? We just had sex three times in four different positions.” Beatriz laughed and bit his shoulder. God, he had beautiful shoulders. And now he had beautiful bite-marked shoulders. Even better.

With languid limbs she pulled herself into a sitting position and grabbed her phone.

“I was hoping for five,” he said. “Ben Junior isn’t going to make it.”

“That’s okay. The Queen Bee is tapping out, too.”

“You call your vagina the Queen Bee?”

“She’s in charge most of the time. Okay, so what did we do? Butterfly.”

“Butterfly,” Ben repeated. “The Anvil.”

“Anvil, got it.” She tapped on her phone screen. “I have no idea where these names come from, by the way.”

“We did the Figure Eight, right?”

“That’s the only one where the name actually made sense.” Beatriz made another note.

“What was that last one?” Ben asked. “It was weird.”

“Coital Alignment. Some sex doctors invented it in the eighties, I think. It’s supposed to maximize clitoral stimulation.”

“Is that why you came twice during it, and I felt like I was going to fall out of the bed the entire time?”

“I wasn’t complaining.” Beatriz winked at him. Ben got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. As soon as he was gone she sunk back into the bed and stared up at the ceiling. It had happened. She and Ben had finally had sex. Five years she’d wondered what had gone wrong between them, why he’d backed off, what she’d done wrong. What was wrong with her that he wouldn’t sleep with her when she offered? What red-blooded, straight college senior turned down sex with a naked eighteen-year-old woman standing right in front of him? One perfect date, one perfect kiss and then…nothing?

But at least now she knew the reason. She forgave Ben, of course, and Henry, too. It had been long enough that there was no reason to hold a grudge against either of them. But more than that, those years apart disappeared as soon as he started talking, as soon as he smiled. He was still the same Ben she adored from back then. He’d only grown more handsome in their time apart. He wore his dark blond hair in a shorter style, which made his blue eyes the focal point of his face. In college he always wore stubble on his chin to look older. Now he shaved to look sophisticated. He’d been a party boy in college, a little too much beer and not enough working out. Now he’d slimmed down by about ten pounds and had nothing but muscle on his six-foot frame. Adulthood, the real world—it definitely looked good on him.

And good Lord, the sex had been so good it almost made her angry. They could have been fucking like that years ago if he’d told Henry to shove it. Well, no need to stay pissed. They had all week to make up for lost time.

The sound of running water in the bathroom stirred her from her reverie. Sounded like Ben was about to hop in the shower. Maybe she should surprise him…

Beatriz started to get out of bed but stopped when her phone buzzed.

She grinned at the text message from Claudia.

So…?it read.

She tried to think up a suitable reply to Claudia’s not-so-subtle message. Instead of typing anything back, she took a quick picture of the three ripped condom wrappers on the bedside table and sent it to her.

Claudia quickly wrote back.

Damn. TMI, she said, although Beatriz knew Claudia wanted all the details she could get.

I could have sent you the other pic we took, Beatriz texted back.

Claudia answered with a simple,GROSS!

Laughing, Beatriz tucked her phone away. She had Ben to attend to.

She crawled out of bed, already pleasantly sore inside and out. It had been a while since she’d had that much sex. Back in Spain she’d had a lover, a widower in his forties who’d wanted nothing but no-commitment sex to serve as a distraction from his grief. They’d been friends and lovers and nothing more. But she’d moved back to the States over two months ago and hadn’t bothered pursuing anyone while she settled into her new apartment outside of Washington, D.C., and reconnected with friends. She’d forgotten how much she missed sex. Orgasms she had every day, and while she enjoyed them, those solo satisfactions could never completely replace the pleasures to be found lying naked underneath a man like Ben, her thighs open to receive him into her, her body a gift given to him, his body a country to be endlessly explored.
