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Then I remembered how he had acted after taking my anal virginity and got mad again, nearly putting my fist through the door from knocking so hard.

The door opened after the second barrage, Liam darkening the doorway, looking as sexy as ever. I got wet immediately despite my seething rage. Out of nowhere, Liam grabbed me and kisses me passionately, before tenderly stroking my cheek.

I saw a woman approaching behind him.

“Hayley, honey, I’d like you to meet my sister Caroline,” Liam said, by way of introduction. “She came into town early for the wedding. Moral support and all that.”

I had no idea what he needed moral support for, and even if he did, why my job as his fake fiancée wouldn’t include this. I didn’t say that though, not wanting to offend Caroline having just met her. She was basically innocent as far as I was concerned, even though the only reason Liam was only being loving toward me was for her account.

Caroline was drop-dead gorgeous like Liam was. I caught myself wondering what their parents had looked like.

“So, the stories are true,” Caroline said, extending her hand. “My bachelor brother really is taken.”

“Yep,” I said, blushing while I shook her hand, and she led me inside.

Serenely, Caroline slipped down onto the couch. She had an easy grace that I envied. “When I heard my little bro, here, was getting hitched I had to meet the woman who finally captured his heart,” she said, leaning over and smacking him playfully on the shoulder in the tradition of older siblings.

That made me think of Jacob, particularly how he used to be, back when we were kids, and it made me smile. I suddenly felt really bad and uncomfortable. Caroline, no doubt, thought I was about to be her sister-in-law. I suddenly saw the damage that could be done by our lie. I had an overwhelming urge to get away, but I couldn’t just run away for fear of offending Caroline. There is only one thing to do.

“Oh dear,” I said dramatically, taking out my phone. “I have to go. I just got a text from my brother.”

My excuse made. I got back to Ann’s waiting car, doing my best not to break into a run.

“How did it go?” Ann asked when I get back in.

“Not how I planned,” I told her, feeling a whole new set of emotions.

This whole plan had been a huge mistake. It would be best for everyone if Liam and I never saw each other again.

Chapter Sixteen


I felt really weird, and for me, that was saying something.

Watching Hayley storm out of here without her even saying what she stopped by for — it had me on edge. She seemed really nervous around my sister, since she had no warning that was understandable, but still, I had this feeling like everything was falling apart. Or, like I should have never started this plan in the first place.

Caroline was so happy she was going to be a sister-in-law. I didn’t doubt that she loved me, and we had fun growing up, but I did understand that having a brother wasn’t the same as having a sister. There were some things I just wouldn’t get that Hayley might, or at least there was a better chance. How would Caroline feel after the wedding when Hayley was gone? I hated to disappoint her too.

I was really beginning to think that this whole fake engagement thing might have been a mistake. I’d only been trying to look good for a few hours at Carl’s wedding. I never considered it might have a negative effect on someone I love or Hayley.

Things had gone too far between us, Hayley and me. I wasn’t nearly oblivious enough not to know that it was a mistake to sleep with her — particularly knowing that she was a virgin. No wonder she got so attached.

If I was honest with myself, I also had no certainty that I wasn’t getting attached. There wasn’t a moment since what happened at Big Sur that I didn’t miss Hayley, and I thought about her all the time — and not just in a sexual way.

Yet, it seemed like it might just be best to call the whole thing off. If not for a few factors, I would’ve done just that. There was the money to consider and the fact that both Hayley and I had put in a lot of time and effort getting to know each other and selling the idea that we were engaged. Caroline was the biggest issue. I really didn’t want to upset her by telling her that the engagement was off. She would probably take it badly. I had to think of a way to get rid of her before I could try and talk to Hayley. That needed to happen as soon as possible.
