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“What happened?” she asked.

“You tell me,” he said. “I came up here and you were out cold, and I had no idea where you had gone. I told you never to drink from the kylix alone. You could have died, Lia.”


“When the mind dies, the body dies,” August said. “If you hadn’t shouted my name, I would never have found you in time.”

He ran his hand through her hair, kissed her temple. She felt him shudder. Had he been more scared for her than she was for herself?

“But I didn’t...”


“Nothing.” She didn’t remember shouting August’s name, but apparently she had.

“Where were you?” He took her face in his hands. “Why was Poseidon trying to drown you?”

Lia couldn’t bear to be touched anymore. She pushed his hands aside and staggered to one of the club chairs.

“Sit,” she said. “Please?”

She pointed at the chair opposite her. He sat on the floor at her feet.


“Lia, talk to me,” he said.

“I had been talking to Mum this evening about the story of Aethra and Poseidon. It was on my mind, I suppose. I meant to go back to Pan’s Island. I ended up getting shagged in a temple by Poseidon. Oops.”

“I warned you the cup was dangerous.”

“Right,” she said. “Don’t play with a god’s toy without permission. Never again. Promise.”

“How was the sex, though?”

“Not half-bad.” Classic understatement.

“Good girl,” he said. “If you’re going to get swept up in one of your own erotic fantasies and nearly die doing it, you might as well enjoy some top-notch cock first.” August laughed. He laughed until she thought he might cry.

He picked up a book off the other chair and showed her a picture. “That’s what I had planned for us tonight.” He’d chosen the famous painting of Zeus visiting Danaë in the form of a shower of liquid gold.

“Good choice,” Lia said. “I always wondered what it would be like to have sex with a precious mineral in liquid form.”

“Liquid gold can hit all those hard to reach places.”

“Sounds fun. Too bad we can’t...”

Lia blinked, and a tear ran down her cheek. She hastily wiped it away.

“I should go home. I shouldn’t be here with you anymore. It’s not right. You’re engaged.”

“We’re allowed to talk,” he said.

“Allowed. We’reallowedto talk. That’s nice of them to let you talk to me,” she said, meeting his eyes. “How could you? You didn’t even ask me what I wanted.”

He looked sad but not guilty. “I didn’t think I could tell you no,” he said, hanging his head between his knees for a moment. “If you’d begged me not to do it, I would have given in just to please you. And your safety is more important than your happiness.”

He looked back up at her.
