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“With all my heart,” Lia said.

“And?” He batted his eyelashes.

“All my...soul?”

“And?” He batted his eyelashes harder.

“And all my...”

“Starts with aC,” he said.

“All my concupiscence?”

August threw her on her back and entered her with a stroke.

“I’m going to pound that prissiness out of you if it takes eternity,” he said.

“Good,” she said. “My cunt can’t wait.”

When August stopped laughing he made passionate love to her.

Though if anyone was standing outside the door listening, all they would have heard was bird noises.

Aphrodite, goddess of love, the universal mother and evening star, was too busy crowing to eavesdrop on Eros and Lia. The Godwicks had long been worshippers of hers, and she’d planned for decades to marry her son to one of them if they’d ever hurry up and have a bloody girl child. But of course her son wouldn’t marry anyone she told him to marry. Oh no, gods forbid! Yet, it was all too easy to trick him into thinking he’d picked out his own bride. And she supposed he had, but she put them together. Full marks for Aphrodite. She patted herself on the back. The old girl still had it.

Still...she did regret hurting her sweet, wicked son. In a show of affection for the young lovers, Aphrodite took a page from her sister Athena’s playbook. She pinned the night into place to give her son and his fiancée more time together in the intimate dark...a romantic gesture that went entirely unremarked by the lovers who were too busy making love to even notice what Aphrodite had done for them.

Ungrateful children.


Lia called the final meeting of the Young Ladies’ Gardening & Tennis Club of Wingthorn Hall to order. She looked at her friends, her “ladies,” and smiled with genuine affection.

“Well, boss?” Rani said. “What’s the news?”

“We have a problem,” Lia said.

“I’m really starting to hate these meetings.” Georgy slouched deep into Lia’s armchair.

“Is it that bloke?” Jane asked. “The ex of yours Rani wanted to gut?”

“No,” Lia said. “He’s all taken care of.”

Rani’s eyes widened.

“Oh, I didn’t have him killed,” Lia said. “He’s just out of the picture. God, it does sound like I killed him. The point is, it’s over and done with without a drop of blood shed.”

“Then what’s the bad news, boss?” Georgy asked.

This was the hard part, the part she’d been dreading.

“Ladies...the time has come for me to retire my nonexistent garden shears and my invisible tennis racquet,” Lia said. “I’m quitting the biz.”

The three ladies stared at her with heartbreak in their eyes.

“Lia,” Rani said. “Why?”

“Um...because my parents told me I had to.”
