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“No. Stop. Do not continue.”

“I was just getting to the good part. Don’t you want to hear the good part?” August looked positively crushed he wouldn’t get to tell her the good part.

“No,” she said, though a small part of her did want to hear the good part.

“Tell me yours, Lia.” He smiled. “Just a little hint.”

He caressed the lines on her palm again. She didn’t realize how sensual that could feel, how intimate, like he was caressing her whole life with one fingertip...

“You’re serious about this?” she asked.

“As serious as I will ever be about anything in my life. If you’re willing to drink from the cup with me, you will have an experience that you will never forget. All you must do is tell me what you want, and I can give it to you. I can give you your ultimate fantasy without even leaving this room.”

“This is mad,” she said. “Insane. Absolutely barmy.”

“One sip,” he said. “That’s all. And if I’m wrong or I’m lying, the worst that will have happened is that you will have drunk dusty wine from an ancient kylix. And if I’m telling the truth, we can negotiate for the return of the cup. Surely that’s a reasonable offer?”

“One sip?” she asked.

“One sip,” he said.

Lia raised her hands. “All right. You’ve made me curious. And I’m up for anything that’ll keep me away from the party.”

“Thank you,” he said. “But I want you to enjoy it. So...fantasy?”

She didn’t have to think for a long time before she had an answer.

“My first time was not wonderful.” Classic English understatement.

August’s eyes widened. She shook her head.

“Not that,” she said. “I wasn’t raped, wasn’t drunk, wasn’t violated. I was in love with him. It was just...bad. Sometimes I imagine a much better first time. With anyone but him. Not really a fantasy. More like a wish.”

“Your friend David downstairs?” he asked.

She said nothing, did nothing. He nodded. Message received.

“You know who had a wonderful time losing her virginity?” August asked.


August pointed at her tapestry. “Andromeda.”

“Did she?”

“Perseus was quite a lover. No surprise, as he was Zeus’s son by a mortal mother.”

“Lucky Andromeda.”

“Would you like to be her? Just for a night?”

“You can do that?” Lia asked.

“The Rose Kylix can do that.”

Something about the way he looked at her... Lia almost believed he was telling the truth. And what if he was? What then?

“We won’t know...” she asked.
