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Regan untied a golden cord from the curtains at the foot of the bed. “I wasn’t joking about putting you in a golden cage,” she said, “and tying you to my bedposts.”

She climbed onto the bed and sat beside him. She beckoned for him to give her his arm, which he did without reluctance. His willpower had been worn down. She wrapped the cord around his wrist with quiet efficiency. Never in his life had he felt more like an object.

He stared up at the canopy, pretending to care about the intricate red paisley pattern, impossible to see them as anything other than enormous sperm swimming in a sea of gold.

“Tell me if it ever gets too tight,” she said, threading the cord around a bar in the headboard and wrapping it around his other wrist. “I’ve never actually done this before.”

“Tied someone to your bed?”

“Never. Fantasized about it, yes, but first time ever doing it. Not Sir Jack’s cup of tea.”

He felt an unexpected pang at her confession. That he was her first. He couldn’t say he felt honored, but he did feel…chosen. He’d chosen this, but she’d chosenhim.

As soon as she was finished—as soon as he was trapped and tied down—something changed. Suddenly he was blameless, without agency. He could do nothing wrong because he could do nothing at all. A sweet and easy surrender came over him. Strangely, he felt safe. Though he didn’t understand why he felt this way, he also didn’t feel any urgency to understand. Later, yes. Not now.

“Comfortable?” she asked.

He answered honestly this time. “I think so.”

She sat beside him, stroking his chest, his stomach. She wrapped her hand around his cock again.

It felt too good. He wished he didn’t enjoy it so much, but how could he not? Soft hand, firm grip. It had been a long time since he’d had any hand on him but his own.

She was looking down at him, at her hand stroking him. She smiled as she touched the wetness dripping from the head. “Do you know why they named this place The Pearl?”

“No idea,” he said. “Was Pearl some famous prostitute back in the day?”

“Rumor has it they called it The Pearl because of this…” With her fingertip she gathered a drop of his come and held up her hand, displaying the proof of his desire, the pearl of his semen. “Now tell me again why you’re doing this? For you or for Charlie?”

“For Charlie. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for him.”

“We met because of him, but tell me the truth. If I’d handed the painting right over…you’d still be here, wouldn’t you?”

“I’d be home in my own bed.”

“Why won’t you admit you like this? Every inch of your body tells me you want this, every part of you but your lying tongue.”

With a flick of her tongue, she licked the come off the tip of her finger. Arthur grew even harder.

She smiled at him. “Poor Brat. We’ll get there. Until then, I suppose you’ll simply have to suffer through it.”

She slipped off the bed and untied her kimono, tossing it over a red wingback chair. He stared at her as she worked her black knickers down her legs. Long shapely legs and smooth firm thighs and at the apex of them, a patch of lustrous brown hair.

The bed moved as she climbed back onto it and that small vibration was like a shock wave through his body. His heart was pounding hard again, almost through his ribs. She straddled his stomach, her small hands on his chest for balance.

He wanted to touch her but was glad he couldn’t. If he did touch her, wouldn’t that prove her right, that he wanted this? Not just the sex, but this…submission, this obedience. This eating out of her hand like a pet.

She bent low and her face came to his, only inches away. She ran her hand through his hair, and he met her eyes. He didn’t mean to, but once their eyes locked there was no unlocking them.

Her fingers came to his face and caressed his cheek, his chin, his lips. “Do you want to kiss me?”


“Maybe next time I’ll let you.”

His cock was straining toward her. She was so close he could feel her soft pubic hair tickling his lower stomach. She was warm between her legs. He felt her heat, craved it. She pushed back, her cunt against the tip of his penis and he felt the wetness along the seam of her body. He groaned softly. This made her smile, and it was like he’d won a prize. He knew now that he wanted her to come tonight more than he wanted anything else in the world.

She moved lightly on top of him, brushing her warm mound against his stiff organ. He wanted to sink inside her, bury himself in her, but other than lifting his hips to seek out more of her, he couldn’t do a thing but wait for her to use him.
