Page 50 of The Auction

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“Anya? What are you—”

She held up her hand. “My turn to talk,” she said. “You hurt me more than anyone has ever hurt me in my entire life that night.”

Daniel started to speak and she clapped her hand over his mouth.

“My. Turn.”

Daniel nodded and let her go on.

“But I know now that I overreacted,” she said. “I do that sometimes. You said that you meant to say you wanted to take care of me, that you even want to take care of my brothers and sisters.”

She shook her head, and he saw tears gathering at the corners of those beautiful amber eyes.

Anya continued, “I think you arefou…crazy. But I’mfou,too, because I want all of that…and I want it with you.”

She paused and took a breath. She blinked and the tears raced down her face.

“I want to be yours,” she said. “I want to belong to you…sir.”

It took a few seconds for Daniel’s brain to catch up with his heart. And then a second or two more for his mouth to catch up with his brain.

“I only have one thing to say to you,” he said. “What are your orders, Mistress?”

He caressed her cheek and she smiled into his hand.

“Orders?” she asked.

“You bought me. You own me. At least tonight. Tomorrow and after, I’ll own you.”

“I have an order,” she said. “One order—make love to me.”

Daniel had never been so happy to follow an order in his life—but he was still the dominant here, even though he knew at this moment and forever, Anya now owned him, too.

He cleared his throat pointedly. “What was that?”

Anya grinned through her tears. “Please make love to me…sir.”

“Better. And yes, right now.”

He grabbed her wrist and dragged her bodily from the rooftop garden. He just needed a room, any room. Any room with a bed. Forget the bed, he’d take a floor, a desk, a wall.

Anya’s pulse raced wildly against his hand as he pulled her down the hall. Sounds of agony and ecstasy, sometimes separate, sometimes mixed, echoed out from behind many of the closed doors.

Only the room at the very end of the hall seemed to be free of ongoing orgies. Daniel pushed open the door and found a beautiful red-headed goddess lounging across the bed in one of Kingsley’s shirts.

“Out,” Daniel ordered.


“Out. Now.”

The girl rolled off the bed, grabbed her clothes, and with a look of pure hatred at him and Anya, left them alone.

Daniel slammed the door behind her, locked it, and pushed Anya up against the wall with more force than was necessary.

“You’re not leaving this room a virgin.” Daniel spoke the words before pressing his lips to the side of her neck, just under her ear.

“Monsieur’sroom?” Anya wrapped her arms around his shoulders and clung to him. He slipped a hand under her dress, hooked her leg around his waist, and gripped her thigh. “He won’t mind?”
