Page 8 of The Auction

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“What’s her name?”

Daniel tensed but didn’t answer at first. He found his shirt and tugged it over his head. “Who?” he asked.

“The girl in your eyes.”

Daniel sat on the edge of the bed. Irina propped herself up on a pillow, not bothering to pull a sheet over her bare breasts. Shamelessness was a superb quality in a woman.

“I don’t think I could see if I had a girl in my eyes.”

Irina raised her hand and ran her fingers through his hair, which desperately needed cutting.“What’s her name?”

Nothing good would come of answering her question. But Irina had given herself to him and held nothing back. He owed her the same.


Irina’s eyes widened. “You don’t meanhisEleanor, do you?”

Daniel gave a low rueful laugh.HisEleanor. No name required.“You know her?”

“Everyone knows the White Queen.”

“The White Queen? Is that what you all call her behind her back?”

Irina shrugged. “Or to her face. It makes her laugh. Everything makes her laugh. She wears a white collar, you know, just like his. And she wears white all the time. If you ask her why she’ll say it shows the blood better. She’s demonic.” Irina made it sound like a compliment.

“She was an angel to me.”

“Are you sure we’re talking about the same girl?” Irina asked, grinning.

“I suppose she was a bit rougher around the edges than the usual sub.”

“That girl,” Irina said, slipping out from under the sheets, “is no sub.”

Daniel stared at Irina as she took her clothes from the back of a chair and started to dress. “What do you mean?”

“There are submissives…and there are people who submit. She’s the latter. I have met sadists less intimidating than she is. I say she’s either a dominant in denial or a switch waiting to switch. But how do you know her? I’ve never seen you here before. I’d remember you. “He smiled at the compliment.

“I’m from before your time,” Daniel admitted. He felt older than his thirty-eight years. “Her owner and I used to play chess together, here, a long time ago.” Not that long, really. Ten years ago? Felt like a thousand. “Long games, deep into the night, talking about everything while he wiped the floor with me. We were good friends, if you can believe it.”

“I can believe it. He’s, you know, a little scary until you talk to him for five minutes, then you realize you can trust him with your life. She is the one who worries me.” Irina winked.

It was surprising to hear that his Eleanor had this reputation. He’d found her whimsical and sexy, smart and a little wild, but Irina made her sound almost dangerous. Had she kept that side from him? Or had he just not seen it? Not wanted to see it?

“As much as I hate the man now, I suppose I do owe him. I was in a bad place after my wife died, and I was in it for years. He sent me Eleanor for a week...a week’s worth of therapy.”

“Shock therapy?”

Daniel laughed. Shock therapy, yes. He ordered her to do things, and she’d obey, sometimes after laughing in his face. She even told him that compared to her real master, Daniel was about as scary as a baby bunny. In her eyes, Daniel had glimpsed anger, desire, hunger, amusement, but never fear. Not once.Maybe Irina was onto something.

But no, no way. When she submitted to him, angels sang and the heavens opened.

“Submissives should be strong,” Daniel said. “They have to be. I don’t think she’s a dominant or a switch, just the perfect submissive.”

“You want to bet on that?”

“No dominant could submit as well as she did.”

“Really?” Irina asked as she pulled on her black blouse and buttoned it over her breasts. “How do you think I just did?”
