Page 21 of Seize the Night

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“Little busy, Boss!” he yelled back, his voice easily penetrating the wall of Julien’s bedroom.

“What’s Latin for ‘night’?”

“Depends on the part of speech!”

“Direct object!”

“Noctem!” he yelled.

“Thank you!”

“Carpe noctem,” Remi whispered to Julien although seconds earlier she’d been shouting at Merrick. “Seize the night.”

“We could have just Googled that,” Julien said.

“I know. But I wanted a little payback for all the times Merrick starts conversations with me when I’m in the bathroom. Plus, what’s the point in having a genius assistant who knows Latin without asking him to help you with your Latin?”

“Good point.”

“So…” Remi said as that tense, taut silence descended on the room again.

Remi slid her hand up and down the center of Julien’s chest. With each pass down his stomach she moved lower. Under her hand she felt his stomach fluttering. Julien was nervous. She liked that.

“So…” Julien said. “What do you want to do?”

“It’s your decision,” she said. “You have more to lose than I do.”

Julien laughed and his stomach muscles dance under her hand.

“Literally,” he said.

“How about this? How about I kiss you right now and you kiss me back and we’ll keep kissing until something more happens or we fall asleep?”

“I like that idea. And, you know,carpe noctem.”

She nodded and whispered. “Seize the night.”

Remi leaned over Julien and brought her lips to his.

Julien slid his fingers through her hair and pulled her even closer as the kiss deepened. The position was uncomfortable enough Remi felt entirely justified in yanking her skirt to her knees and straddling Julien’s thighs. Julien inhaled sharply.

“I don’t weigh too much, do I?” Remi asked, freezing. She was no waif by any stretch of the imagination. At five-nine with muscles and curves she may even weigh more than Julien.

“You weigh the perfect amount and the perfect amount of you sort of came in contact with a certain part of me. Please do it again.”

Remi laughed and settled in on top of him. The kissing, at first tentative, quickly turned torrid. Julien might not have done much kissing in his life, but Remi had no complaints about his technique. She couldn’t get enough of his mouth, nor he hers. Julien rolled them onto their sides without breaking the kiss. He slipped his hand under her shirt and caressed her back. She wanted to feel his skin too, as much of it as she could. She slid her hand under his t-shirt and rubbed his side. He was so warm and young and eager, she knew if he wanted, kissing would only be the beginning of their night together.

“You smell like roses,” Julien whispered into her neck as he nibbled under her ear.

“It’s my soap.”

“It’s not your soap, it’s your skin. It’s all of you,,” he said, his hand now at the center of her back, teasing the expanse between her shoulder blades.

“If you’re trying to seduce me, it’s working.” Remi pushed her hips into his. Pressure had already started to build inside her.

“I thought you were trying to seduce me?” Julien teased.

“I can if you want me to.”
