Page 54 of Hidden Lies

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The interior of the car is charged with electricity as the mood shifts. It’s like we are back to the way things were before. We hung out like we couldn’t get enough of each other’s company, but there was always this extra spark between us we overlooked because neither of us wanted to be the first to acknowledge the sexual tension that has always existed when we are in the same room.

She slowly chews her food, and the silence becomes deafening. I pick a fry out of the bag, and we continue to eat in silence. When I can’t take it anymore, I rev the car and the sound roars down the road. I press play on my playlist and Post Malone sings through the speakers of the car.

Lucy leans back in the passenger seat, not even asking where I’m headed. She finishes her food and relaxes to the vibe of Post Malone. After driving for fifteen minutes, I turn into a secluded lot and park. She looks out the window, probably wondering where we are, but she doesn’t protest and turns her head, gazing at me with her blue orbs.

“Why are we here?” she asks.

I stare at her lips as she licks them and lean closer. She leans away but I don’t give up. I corner her, close enough to smell her strawberry scent and tilt my head to hover over her lips just an inch from kissing her.

“Eres mia, preciosa. Para siempre. You’re mine, forever.”

She tenses but doesn’t pull away. “Why are you doing this? It changes nothing.”

I chuckle. “You’re right, it changes nothing. I want you and you will always be mine. That will never change, Luciana. Get ready. Because you are going to see a side of me you have never seen. The side of me that gets what he wants. You.”

Her skin flushes and my gaze flicks down to her beautiful breasts straining against her pretty white dress that had every guy in the frat house glued to the way it molded to her sexy body. Every time she walked in those fuck-me heels, my cock strained painfully inside my jeans, dying to fuck her with nothing on her body except those damn heels.

My gaze travels up her neck and lands on her slightly parted lips. My lips caress hers softly and it thrills me she doesn’t pull away. My phone vibrates and sounds through the speakers, breaking the bubble we’re in.

When I look at the screen, it’s Hector, a member of the Kings from the East. Lucy pulls away, composing herself.

I answer through the headset, not wanting Lucy to hear. If he is calling me, it means the guys are wasted and Aiden is probably giving Khalani her third orgasm.


“Hey, it’s Hector. I’m sorry to bother you,Patron, but everyone else is unavailable and I need you to come down here. We have a problem. One of the members’ kids got caught up selling coke and heroin on the streets. He’s a good kid, a freshman at Hillside High. He said someputopressured him to sell for the Southside GuNz. If he didn’t do it, they said they would fuck him up, if you know what I mean. The guy goes by the name of Smoke, and the kid is scared. He said Smoke’s leader doesn’t give a fuck about the Hillside Kings. He said they will take over our turf soon. We need to do something about this. The kid is terrified. His mom is throwing a fit,ese. Says it is our fault for not handling this shit.”

“What is his name?” He knows I mean the young kid.

“His name is Juancito. He’s Cholito’s son.”

I know who Cholito is and if it’s his kid, then he wants to kick his son’s ass. His baby momma is dramatic as fuck. She is always around making sure Cholito isn’t fucking around with some regulars that hang around the members of the Kings. Colton and I made the mistake of fucking her sister Brenda one night when we were hanging out with the Kings, and the bitch got attached to me instead of Colton. Bitch thinks I belong to her or some shit. It happened before I slept with Lucy that one night. Fuck. I hate to have to drop Lucy off.

“Where are you?”

“I’m with the kid and Cholito at the meet-up.”

The meet-up is where the Kings and other guys from the neighborhood hangout in the parking lot of a fast-food joint in the middle of East Hillside with their hooked-up rides and lowriders.

I sigh. “I’ll be right there, Hector. Where is…”


“He told me to call you after he couldn’t get anyone on the phone. He’s… busy.”

Busy means he is probably getting a blowjob from a regular. My eyes flick toward Lucy, and I can tell she is trying to figure out who I am talking to and where I’m about to go.

“Alright, I’ll be there in thirty minutes.”

After I disconnect the call, I look over at Lucy. “I need to drop you off. I have to handle a problem with the Kings.”

She looks straight ahead. “I’ll go with you.”

“I can’t let you come with me. It’s not safe and definitely not a place for you to be.”

Her head whips around to me. “Why? Because I’m a girl? Because I’m a prissy college girl from the West of Hillside? Linda is most likely there, and I want to go, or I’ll simply call her and show up wherever they are. Your choice.”

She’s got me there. I forget Lucy, Khalani, and Linda have been inseparable since Khalani married Aiden.
