Page 36 of Noble Intent

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And until I know how to conquer that fear, his texts will have to remain unanswered.



It feels good to be back in LA again. This was our longest tour, and I know we’re all ready to be home. Mainly I’m just ready to finally be back in the same city as Becka. She can’t ignore me anymore if I sit in front of her door until she opens it the fuck up.

I’ve had eight months to think about what I would say to her if she answered my texts, how I wouldn’t waste my chance with her.

I’ve already made that mistake. I won’t make it again.

But the key to my plan is to talk to her. I have to talk to her. I could’ve called her while we were on the road, but the thought that she might answer and I couldn’t just go over to her house after we worked through things made me feel antsy. I want to be near her when we work things out, so I can finally kiss her again like I’ve been dying to.

But first, we have our final show of the tour, and more importantly, Will is going to be here with his new girlfriend, Gina. I’m happy for him. He’s been alone for a long time since his fiancée died, and no one deserves happiness more than he does.

But it’s going to be damn hard to see him when I’m in love with his sister. I wonder if he knows about our falling-out? Has she talked to him about me? Or has she remained silent?

I don’t know which scenario worries me more. But either way, it’ll be good to see Will.

I walk down the hall toward my dressing room when I hear my name shouted behind me. I turn around at the familiar voice and feel my cheeks lift high in a wide smile. “Will! Damn, man, it’s good to see you!” And it is, even if it breaks my heart a little bit when I realize he doesn’t look at me any differently. He doesn’t know about me and Becka then. I paste my smile on my face, already embracing my rock star persona and hoping he can’t see the cracks.

I head toward him, and we give each other a one-armed hug.

“It’s good to see you too, man. This is my girlfriend, Gina.”

I glance at the beautiful woman next to him with golden skin and honey-brown eyes. Her dark hair flows in waves past her shoulders, and she wears a pair of dark skinny jeans and a deep red top. She’s staring at Will, a questioning look on her face, and they have a silent conversation like couples tend to do before her lips tilt up into a radiant smile.

I’d find her absolutely stunning if I wasn’t completely enamored with Becka. No one measures up to her.

“H…Hi.” She giggles, and it’s the familiar starstruck giggle I’m used to getting from fans.

I pull her into a hug. “Any girl of Will’s is a friend of mine. Nice to meet you. It’s been a long time since Will’s had a girlfriend, so you must be someone special.”

She giggles again nervously, and Will snorts at her reaction. I fight back my own smile. She’ll have to learn to get used to me if I work things out with Becka because then I’ll be hanging out with Will a lot more when I’m in town.

Will watches the hustle and bustle that is the norm backstage and gives me a look filled with admiration and pride. “You really did it.”

I can’t help feeling proud, even if this last tour was harder on me than any ever have been before. “Yeah. Some days I can’t believe this is my life. But I bet you know how it is.”

“Yeah, I can definitely relate.”

“I’d love to catch a game next time we’re in town.” I haven’t watched Will play football since high school. It would be great to see him play again.

“I’ll hook you up. Just text me.”

“Will do. You two gonna be around after? I gotta finish up my preshow ritual, but I’d love to catch up more.”

I don’t have a preshow ritual. I’m just feeling my cracks get a little wider, and I know I won’t be able to stand here much longer without asking about Becka.

Both of us look to Gina who’s staring at me, eyes wide, jaw open, in shock. Will chuckles and then says, “Yeah, we’ll be here.”

I glance at him, then Gina, then back at him before leaning forward and whispering to him conspiratorially, “I get that a lot. Don’t worry, I won’t steal your girl.”

Just your sister.

He pulls Gina closer against him, and jealousy spikes through me like a lance because I want that—I want to be able to hold Becka close to me and be that possessive of her. “I’d fight for her, so you wouldn’t stand a chance.”

I smile at him, understanding better than he even realizes. I have my own girl I’m about to fight like hell for.
