Page 39 of Noble Intent

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She turns to him. “Is that right?”

“Oh yeah,” I say and then lean toward her conspiratorially. “I even guessed you were the girl that had him all in a tizzy over a year ago.”

Shock fills her face. “What?”

“Yeah, Will here was pretty pissy about a year or so ago, and I found out it was about a woman, but it was like pulling teeth to get any more information out of him. It wasn’t until recently when I put two and two together and he caved and told me you wereher.”

She looks at Will, her expression still shocked, but there’s also a softness to it, like she’s coming to some kind of realization about him. Suddenly Rex barks and bounds toward another, much smaller dog. The owner’s face morphs into terror as this giant pit bull runs straight toward her. Will must see it too because he curses and then chases after Rex.

I take the opportunity to talk to Gina without him around. I get only good vibes from her, and while I might be terrible when it comes to reading men, I’m a stellar judge of character when it comes to other women. I don’t know why, maybe growing up with two very different sisters, but my gut has never been wrong when I meet a woman.

My gut tells me Gina’s a good one, and I’m once again thankful that Will’s finally so happy, but I also want to make sure she’s not going to break his heart.

“So, Gina. What are your intentions with my brother?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, are you two just messing around, or is this serious?” I can already tell Will’s serious about her.

“I’m pretty sure it’s serious if we’re meeting each other’s families.”

I look back over at Will who’s currently reassuring a very nervous dog owner and nod at her response. “Good.” I let out a small breath of relief that she and Will seem to be on the same page. The Edmonson sisters may be a hot mess right now, but at least one Edmonson is getting his shit together.

“I’m glad he finally let someone in.”

“What do you mean?”

I watch my brother. “Will was really messed up after Candace died. I didn’t think he’d ever get over it.” I stop and look closely at Gina. “I’m grateful you’re in his life. Maybe now he can put all those ghosts behind him.”

Rex comes bounding back, and I immediately crouch down to meet him. I give him lots of love when he makes it to me and all the pain and heartache that’s been exacerbated from Trent’s silence eases in this moment.

My brother is happy, and I have a dog to take my mind off my life for a while.

We hang out at the park for the next few hours and then I invite myself over for dinner with them—mainly because the idea of being alone right now terrifies me. I feel like a china doll who was broken and put back together poorly, like one swift wind will break all my pieces all over again. Gina’s quiet during dinner and then makes a quick exit afterward. Will’s always been easy to read, probably because we’re so close, both in age and in personalities. So I immediately worry when he seems distant and lost in his thoughts after Gina leaves.

“You okay?”

He glances at me. “Yeah, why?”

“You seem distracted.”

He leans back in his chair and lets out a heavy sigh. “Gina seemed distant with me today, and I wanted to ask her about it, butsomeonehad to invite herself to dinner.”

I shrug, not feeling bad. He wouldn’t either if he knew why I’m so hesitant to be alone. “I wanted to keep hanging out. This the first woman you’ve dated I actually liked.”

“She’s only the second woman I’ve dated.”

“Exactly.” I throw him a look because he knows what I’m talking about without me having to say it. Getting serious, I say, “Gina is really great, Will. I’m so glad you are finally letting someone in. I was worried about you.”

“I know you were.”

We talk a little more about our day together when Will switches gears. “So, how’re things with you?”

Damn, I should’ve known this was coming.

“Ugh, can we not, please?”

“What? You can hassle me about my life, but I can’t hassle you about yours?”
