Page 5 of Forbidden Intent

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His face darkens.He may not be nosey, but he is protective—of all of us.“I thought you told her not to call you anymore.”

“I did,” I say with a shrug.This wouldn’t be the first time my mom’s ignored my wishes.I can already predict how our entire conversation will play out which is why I hit the dismiss button and shove my phone back in my pocket.There’s no point rehashing this conversation for the millionth time.She won’t change my mind, and I sure as shit won’t change hers.

Our relationship is beyond repair at this point.

Three years ago, Kasen’s drug use hit an all-time high and his dealer/possible girlfriend at the time, Charli, left him in a seedy hotel room on a bad trip that nearly killed him.My brother Jesse and I were still close back then, before I knew that he was doing drugs himself, and in a moment of vulnerability I told him everything that was going on.I was scared for one of my best friends—we all were.None of us were sure if he would make it or if there would be permanent damage.I turned to someone I thought I could trust only to find out that blood isn’t thicker than water after all.He sold the story to the tabloids for a measly grand to feed his habit, and when I found out and called him on it, my parents took his side, claiming he needed our support now more than ever, not our judgement and derision.Over the years, I kept hoping they’d see the truth, but they always defend him—enable him is more like it.So I cut them off, a decision that hasn’t been easy but one I don’t regret.

Not a minute later, I feel my phone vibrating once again.With a sigh, I pull it out only to see my dad’s name on the screen this time around.It’s been a long time since she convinced him to call me in a weak attempt to get me to understand their viewpoint.

I understand completely.I just don’t agree.

I consider ignoring his call as well, but then decide it might be faster at this point to just answer and tell them both to fuck off.

I accept the call and open my mouth to do just that, but my dad speaks before I get a chance, his words stopping me instantly in my tracks.

“Miles.Oh thank God, you answered.You have to come home.Your brother’s in the hospital.”

I pull the phone away from my ear to look down at the screen, convinced I’m having some weird trip, but I haven’t smoked weed since we got back from tour, and I don’t do anything heavier than that.

Which means I’m not hallucinating this phone call.

My dad—who I haven’t talked to in three years—is calling me to come to Jesse’s aid?The same brother who sold out Kasen’s last overdose that damn near killed him to some sleazy tabloid so he could get a thousand bucks for drugs?

Fuck that.

Without a word, I hang up.My mom always told me if you have nothing nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.I wonder how much she’s liking that advice right about now.
