Page 56 of Forbidden Intent

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“One more thing, Miles.Don’t hold her back.”

“What do you mean?”I ask.

“Tamsin is a bright young woman and she works her ass off.I’ve always made sure she could have anything she needed and dream as big as she wants to.I won’t have any man get in the way of her dreams.We both know the rock star life isn’t an easy one.You’re on the road sometimes half the year or longer during touring years.That may not be ideal for whatever she chooses to do after college—and shewillbe finishing college.I don’t want her choosing you over herself someday, are we clear?”

“I’d never let her do that.Trust me, I won’t do anything to diminish Tamsin’s future.”


He doesn’t say anything else, just turns around and walks back into the studio.It’s not quite the blessing I was hoping for, but it’s better than him ruining the band’s chances right out of the gate.

When I go back into the studio, the guys are circled around Tamsin, everyone with smiles on their faces.Walking over, I catch the tail end of what Trent is saying.

“…with only a washcloth over his junk.”

Tamsin laughs and when she turns to me, her eyes are bright and happy.“I didn’t think you were an exhibitionist.”

My brows shoot up.“I’m sorry, what now?”

She giggles and the sound is music to my ears.“Trent was just telling me about the time you had to escape your hotel room when a groupie showed up while you were naked in the shower, and you got locked out with only the washcloth that was in your hand.”

Groaning, I rub my hands over my face and then glare at Trent.“Fuck man, you couldn’t tell her a story that made me look cool?”

He laughs.“Not a chance in hell.She’s gotta get all the dirt so she knows what she’s getting into.”

Tamsin slides her arm around my waist and leans into my side.Her head tilts up and when our gazes meet, an overwhelming feeling fills me and I can no longer deny the truth.

I’m in love with Tamsin Cross.

We stumble into my house, both of us laughing and still on cloud nine after the great day at the studio today.Not only did the band kill it during the recording, but it also felt insanely good to be out in the open about my relationship with Tamsin.We didn’t have to hide, and instead of sneaking glances or slight grazes of hands when walking by each other—like we were living in that Victorian era show Tamsin loves so much—we could actually sit together and hold hands.I could look at her through the booth window and it didn’t matter if anyone saw us because we had nothing to hide.

It felt better than good.It felt perfect.

Except for one thing.

Ever since my realization earlier today, I’ve been dying to confess my feelings to Tamsin.Pulling her around to face me, I take her face in my hands and bring her mouth to mine.Her petal-soft lips light my whole body on fire, and when she parts her mouth, I deepen the kiss.My tongue slides across hers, making love to her mouth the way I’m dying to make love to her body.

Reluctantly, I break the kiss and stare down into her beautiful hazel eyes.How the fuck did I get so lucky to call this woman mine?

“Do you know how happy you make me?”Her cheeks flush, and I gently slide my thumb over them.“You’ve made me feel things I’ve never felt before.Even more than that, you made me believe I could trust someone again, open myself up and know that you’d never betray my trust.”

“Never,” she whispers.

“You mean so much to me.I want the whole world to know you’re mine.”I take a breath and then say the three words I’ve never said to anyone else.“I love you, Tamsin.”

She inhales sharply and her eyes fill with tears.A moment of panic courses through me before she opens her mouth and says, “I love you too.”

She throws her arms over my shoulders and kisses me fiercely.Meeting her intensity, I grab the back of her thighs and pick her up, loving the feel of her legs wrapped around my waist, my hard cock rubbing against her.

She moves away from my mouth, kissing my jaw.Then she whispers two words in my ear that have my cock harder than it’s ever been.

“I’m ready.”

I pull back, needing to see her face to make sure I’m understanding her correctly.“Ready?”

She nods.“I want to feel you inside me.I think it’s time for lesson number three,” she says, then gives a little nip to my chin.

“You’re sure?”
