Page 73 of Forbidden Intent

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“We can’t find Kasen.”

Robbie storms into the small dressing room we’ve been assigned for the charity concert.There are several big names performing tonight, and they moved things around after we found Charli, because we were all shaken up and Kasen said he needed some air.Robbie went with him, but Kasen lost him when they were going through a crowded side area.

I’m worried about him, but I’m also worried about Tamsin and if she’s questioning our relationship because I was a stupid idiot.When she texted me a few minutes ago, it felt like the first time I’d taken a breath in days.She hasn’t called it quits on us yet, and I need to find a way to convince her not to go that route.

But I also really need to help the guys find Kase.

Steph comes waddling into the room, her seven-months-pregnant belly entering before she does.She’s no-nonsense and with how she’s corralled all the bands performing tonight, I have no doubt she’ll be able to handle a little tyrant just fine.

“Any luck?”she asks.

I shake my head.“We haven’t found him yet.”

“Shoot.This is not good, guys.I can’t stall any longer.We need you on that stage in fifteen minutes or else we’ll have to pull you from the lineup completely.”

“Do you have contingencies in place for that?”Robbie asks.

“Of course we do.This is not my first time running a benefit concert.I always prepare for every disaster possible.Granted, it’s going to suck big time to lose such a major headliner, but we’ll manage.”

I know this benefit concert is close to Robbie’s heart.It’s a charity that supports single moms similar to the one that helped his mom after his dad died when he was fifteen.

“We’ll find him,” Tristan says from his perch on the arm of a nearby couch.His phone is in his hand and I have no doubt he’s texting Trent for updates.He stands and pockets his phone.“We’ll have better luck if we all split up and look around.”

Robbie and I nod in agreement and divide the different spaces of the venue to tackle.After ten minutes of searching, my phone rings in my pocket.I pull it out to see Trent’s name flash on the screen.

“Did you find him?”I ask when I answer the call.

“No.I was calling to ask if you’d had any luck.”

Fuck.“No, I would’ve called you.”I frantically look around for any areas I might’ve missed.We’ve got to find him.A lead weight of dread has buried itself in my stomach and I have a bad feeling.

I catch sight of a roadie as he moves a curtain aside to grab something that fell on the floor and notice a door behind it.Keeping Trent on the line, I run over there and swing the door open.

Kase looks up at me from where he’s lying on the floor, his eyes hazy, his skin pale, and his lips turning blue.He’s taking shallow breaths, and when he looks at me it’s like he sees through me.But it’s the very obvious needle in his arm that has my heart dropping to my stomach.

“Fuck, Kase.What did you do?”

“You found him?”Trent’s hope is undeniable.

“Get help.He’s in bad shape.There’s a storage room by the equipment space.Hurry!”

I hang up and bend down as Kasen’s eyes start to close.

“Uh-uh, man.Stay with me.You gotta stay awake.Kasen!”I shout when he can’t seem to fight against whatever is pulling him under.

I grab his shoulders and shake him, jarring him awake although his eyelids only open halfway.“What did you take?”I demand he answer, especially after what happened with Charli.

“Fuck you, Kasen.You don’t get to die on us.”

His eyes slide closed and his head falls back, his mouth parted and his body limp.I shake him again, but he doesn’t wake.I feel for a pulse—it’s there but faint.We’re running out of time.

He can’t die.

Water drops on his shirt, leaving a dark stain, and it’s only when Trent and another set of paramedics pull me away that I realize I’m crying.

One of them turns to me.“Do you know what he took?”
