Page 127 of Broken

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“Sit tight.”

Lorenzo had parked in front of a row of apartments and Katrina’s hand was on the door handle. “Why?” she asked.

“Because there’s always broken glass around here.”

“And you parked my car here, thanks.”

“I’m coming around to get you,” he said, ignoring her comment as he got out of the car. She watched as he walked around and opened her door. “Hang onto me.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck resisting the urge to lay her head on his shoulder as he lifted her with ease. “I can’t believe you can do this after wrecking your motorcycle.”

“I can’t believe you ran that trail with no shoes. Who’s the worse for wear here?”


He set her down by the door and she winced at the pain in her feet while he fished out his keys and unlocked his apartment. “Ignore the mess,” he said as she limped her way in.

Lorenzo’s studio apartment wasn’t messy, just dark with a few things out of place. She limped past his bed that he had set by the wall air conditioner and made her way to the tiny loveseat that faced the wall where the TV and a couple of movie posters hung.

“I didn’t get a chance to make the bed. Can I get you something to drink? Some water, maybe some coffee?” Lorenzo walked past her into the tiny kitchen area with its small appliances, almost making them look comically miniature as he opened the refrigerator door. “I have some juice, too. I wouldn’t trust the milk; it didn’t taste too good on the Cocoa Pebbles this morning.”

“Still with the Cocoa Pebbles,” she said with an easy smile, one which he returned.

“Always. I’ve got the first aid kit.” He opened the cabinet doors under the sink and retrieved the white box with the familiar red cross on it. “I could put some coffee on and it will be ready by the time I have you bandaged up. Does that sound good?” Without waiting for her answer, he was already preparing a pot while she took in her surroundings.

The door to the closet was slung open, revealing a set of plastic organizers which must have contained clothing. A second leather jacket hung in the closet along with his jeans. Before she could inspect further from her spot on the loveseat, Lorenzo had pushed the door shut and was kneeling before her, inspecting her feet.

“I’m going to get something to wash them off with.”

She looked around the room, not seeing another door. “Ren, where’s—”

“It’s off the kitchen area. Do you need to use the restroom?”

“No, I’m just curious.”

He stood and nodded in understanding. “Gimme just a sec, I’ll be right back.”

While he went to grab a washrag, she picked up a magazine off his table, noting it was for business and probably not anything she would understand. There was a stack of mail there, but on top of it was a picture.


This must have been the picture that Emily gave to Lorenzo.

“I’ve wondered all this time why she was so eager for me to know, you know?” Lorenzo said. “Emily, I mean. She went out of her way to make sure I knew about my daughter.”
