Page 149 of Broken

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Katrina turned as he kissed her, wiping her tears away in hopes that her brother hadn’t seen them.

“I got the email about our ten-year reunion,” Justin said. “I RSVP’d for all of us.”

“All of us?” Katrina asked.

“Yeah. Cade as well. Be a sweetheart and let him know.”

“Thanks for consulting, jerk,” Judith said, then nuzzled her puppy. “Daddy wasn’t thinking on that one.”

“Why would any of us want to go?” Katrina asked. “First off, you should have talked to Ren before saying he’d be there. And me. It’s being put together by Emily, and—”

“And all the more reason for us to go,” Justin cut her off as he picked up the discarded coat. “We show a united front. She doesn’t get to dictate our lives or try to bully her way into keeping Miranda away from her father. And, wait a sec...have you been crying? Whose ass do I need to kick?”

“Kick hers, and stop stealing my lines,” Judith said to him.

“I always steal your lines, babe.”

“And don’t call me babe.”

“Trina,” Justin said as he stepped closer to her. “What’s going on?”

“She’s in love with Cade and won’t pull her head out of her ass and accept his daughter. I’m hungry, and it’s Chinese night. You’re doing the ordering, because Mommy has to show Bella her new home, doesn’t she?” Judith’s tone changed as she spoke to her new puppy.

“C’mere,” Justin said as he pulled his sister close for a big hug. Katrina rested her head on Justin’s shoulder, damning her overwhelmed emotions as the tears threatened again. “I know it’s difficult,” he said, his tone hushed for only her ears, “but I know you’ll do the right thing.”

“I don’t know what the right thing is,” Katrina admitted. “Is it walking away, or is it—”

“It’s putting your big girl panties on,” Judith interrupted her, letting her know she wasn’t speaking as softly as she’d thought.

Justin held her tighter. “Follow your heart, Trina. That’s the only advice I can give you right now. Just follow your heart. What does it say?”

“It says I don’t think I can deal with being hurt again.”

“You think he’s going to bail again? No way he will, Trina.”

But to her, in her heart, he already had.


Katrina arrived atCade’s that Monday morning, still conflicted. She wasn’t sure which had gone through more hell, her head or her heart, or which one would win. She had the weekend’s receipts to deal with, though, and that should keep her busy even though Lorenzo was there.

“I can do this,” she said softly before exiting her car and getting her keys out. The door would be locked since it was closed. She knew Martin would be behind the counter doing inventory that he would report to her by noon.

She also knew that Lorenzo would wait to hear the outcome of her paperwork, asking questions so that he understood it better. She was certain he was doing this so that he could take over, take away her part of the dream they’d all come up with, give her no reason to see him unless he was there should she decide to come to the bar. It was 40 minutes out of her way, but this place had grown on her.

Her heels clicked on the hardwood floor as she walked in, but she paused at the sight she saw before her. Lorenzo was leaning against the bar facing a strikingly beautiful blonde who was laughing as she placed her hand on his arm.

And her stomach dove.

“Hey,” was all Lorenzo said to Katrina, and she waved her hello before quickly making her way down the hall to the office.

She couldn’t deal with watching another woman flirt with him.

And what was she doing here so early? He’d obviously invited her in.

Had she stayed the night with him?

“Stop it, Trina,” she whispered to herself and sat down at the desk to work, the woman’s lilting laughter carrying all the way down the hall.
