Page 15 of Broken

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“You, too?” Lorenzo asked, his hand out. “Schedule.”

“Fine, nosy.” Katrina handed him her schedule as Judith pulled her camera out.

“Okay, all of you together. Squeeze in,” she instructed. “Gotta have a picture of the three stooges.”

“Hey, now,” Justin said. “We’re far cooler than that.”

“Keep telling yourselves that. Get closer.”

Katrina leaned forward, her chin on her brother’s shoulder, and she felt Lorenzo’s presence fill her entire being as he eased in beside her.

“Okay, everyone, smile.”

“That means you, too, Cade,” Justin said, and Lorenzo let out a short laugh.

“Whatever,” he said, the laughter still in his voice.

“And that was perfect.” Judith turned around as she looked at her screen, which Katrina could see from her vantage point.

The Carter siblings smiling, and Lorenzo with a half-smile on his face that was so close to Katrina she could still feel the heat radiating off him.

Or was she simply that flustered from being in such close proximity with his prized leather jacket on her small frame?

“I want a copy of that,” she said, and Judith smiled over her shoulder.

“Consider it done.”


She’d lost that photoyears before.

No, that photo had been taken from her.

Lorenzo had taken the photo before he left, knowing he was going to break her heart.


“Hmm?” She looked from the photo up at Justin, whose own eyes showed his concern.

“Martin was asking about his condition.”

“Critical but stable,” Katrina replied. “Whatever that means. Visiting hours begin at eight in the morning and I’ll know more then.”

“I’ll be there,” Martin said as he scribbled a few notes down, including Lorenzo’s room number. “And you did the right thing, coming here.”

“Is there anyone else?” Katrina asked. “That we need to notify, I mean.”

“I can take care of it,” Martin replied.

“Do you know why?” she asked. “Why he was on Willow Creek Road? Why he... listed me as his emergency contact? Or named me, or whatever?”

Martin was silent as the sounds of a Willie Nelson song filled the bar, his crooning about someone always being on his mind mocking her. “That’s his story to tell,” Martin finally said.

“And if he can’t?” she asked, her voice catching slightly.

Martin nodded once. “Then I’ll tell you.”
