Page 151 of Broken

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“That’s...” Her voice trailed off before she finished, wondering if she should say ‘none of my business’ or ‘good.’

They rode the rest of the way in silence.


Katrina’s hands fidgetedbeneath the table as Lorenzo sat down across from her and she quickly ordered their coffee from the waitress, only realizing what she’d done after. “Sorry,” she said. “Habit.”

He shook his head slightly. “It’s okay.”

“Well, I figured since we came here for coffee, and...and have I told you what fresh hell Justin has RSVP’d us for? No, I know I haven’t. The reunion, the ten-year reunion. It’s being held at the club next month, and I told him it was presumptuous of him to do but figured I could be the one to tell you. You know, since we work together.”

Lorenzo frowned. “The reunion? The one that Emily’s putting together?”

Katrina’s eyebrows raised. He certainly had a way of knowing nearly everything. “The one and the same.”

“Not going.”

“I figured you’d say as much, and I told Justin that, but he and Judith are insisting on a united front. It is united, you know.”

Lorenzo was still frowning and remained silent.

“I mean, I’m standing by you still, no matter what.”

“You’ve told me that.” NotI believe youbutyou told me that.

Her stomach took a dive.

“I’m not going to be the one to tell Justin that you’re not going, that’s all on you. Thank you,” she added to the waitress who brought their coffees. She watched as Lorenzo’s eyes stayed on his coffee, as he blew on it so it wouldn’t be too hot, and how he sipped it through his perfect lips.

“A united front?” His eyes were narrowed, and she could see the concentration there.

“Yeah, you, me, Justin, and Judith. She isn’t dealing with just you; if she wants to be a bitch, she answers to all of us.”

He seemed to relax more as he sat back in his chair and grinned at her. “So, you’re really going to go? To the reunion, I mean.”

“I don’t know...are you?”

“Is this a challenge?”

It was her turn to grin. “What if it is?”

“I might have to be dragged kicking and screaming, but if it’s a challenge, I’ll go.”

Her smile was genuine. “Good. I shall drag you kicking and screaming all the way.”
