Page 16 of Taming the Boss

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Ah… I remembered fantasizing about being on the news one day because of a graphics design company.

"That's not the issue right now though," I said, "The fact is that she thinks I'm desperate."


"I told her about my lack of relationship experience and she only kissed me out of pity." It hurt to say it but I had to, "I also made her cross the line. An employer and employee aren't supposed to do stuff like that."

"While that is true I'm pretty sure she doesn't mind."

I rubbed my eyes, "She said, she shouldn't have done that."

"Either you're misunderstanding or she didn't mean to make out. It could be the former."

"So, what do I do?"

"Meh… I just came to celebrate the fact you aren't a lipvirgin anymore," he poured the remaining contents of the bottle into my cup, "We'll buy Vodka when you pop your cherry."

Yeah he wasn't helpful at times like this.

I went to bed. The memories of my first kiss replayed even in my dreams.

The following day I got to work early.

"Hiyah, Parker," Aria greeted as she arrived.

"Good morning, Miss Wolfe," I replied.

She stopped walking and turned to me, "Right… Good morning." "What are you working on?" She asked as she walked over to my desk. "Just adding some words to this design Dave did," I said.

She bent over and stared into the laptop, "Oh, the wedding programme." She smelt good.

"Oh, well, I'll leave it to you then," she said.

"Yes sure, thank you Miss Wolfe," I replied.

She stood almost like she had something to add but she said nothing and left. This was how it was meant to be.


He was avoiding me. Why? Did someone say something to him? Alyson? She seemed like she would do such a thing. I mean there was the conversation from the night before.

Wait… why was this bothering me? Normally I don't mind if a guy I had anything with doesn't talk to me. In fact, I appreciated it if they don't bother me at all. But, this man… was on my mind and refused to leave it.

This was a problem. The fact that he was acting like nothing happened was eating at me. The Aria Wolfe. I powered on my PC, and there was quite some work to review and do. Michael still had not gotten me an assistant.


I made a mistake in the wedding program I was editing. So, I was trying to correct them when Michael joined me.

"I see you're fitting right in," he said as he settled next to me, "Dave now gives you stuff to work on."

"I'm glad to be of help," I replied honestly, "I don't usually make mistakes. Today must not be my day."

"Everyone makes mistakes, it takes a big boy to own up and learn from them." "Hehe, thanks."

"Would you rather do photography?" he asked.

"Oh, uh, why do you ask?"
