Page 23 of Taming the Boss

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“You’re the most beautiful guy here and the alpha’s assistant,” she said, “So to common folks like us, you’re a prince.”

I couldn’t help laughing, “You’re a riot.”

“I try my best to be,” she said while fiddling with her camera.

“Can I see?” I pointed at it.

She covered her chest, “I think we should get to know each other first.”

“No, not that,” I realized it a little late, “I was talking about the camera.” “Oh,” now it was her turn to be embarrassed, “I knew that, was pulling your legs.” “Yeah sureee,” I took the camera and inspected it, “Ah, a Kanon EOS 5D Mark IV.” “I didn’t know you speak camera,” she crossed her arms, “Color me surprised.” “I’ve always wanted to handle one,” I admitted.

“You could handle it right now,” she said.

“Eh? Really? I’m allowed to do that?”

“Sure, why not? You do work here.”

I pulled the strap over my shoulder and powered on the camera as it whirred to life.

“Would you like to be my model?” I asked.

She was surprised, “I don’t know if I’d make a good model.”

“You would, trust me,” I said.

“I don’t even know what pose to make.”

“Just be natural.”

“Like this?”

I clicked the shutter.

“Let me see it,” she walked over to me, “I knew I would look…”

She stopped halfway, “Wow, is that… is that me?”

“Sure is,” I said, “Ever considered being in Miss Universe? You’d kill.”

“Oh, stop it,” she laughed, “Thank you… For the picture and the complement.”

“Shall I take more? I want people to know I was your photographer before you became famous,” I teased.


We took more pictures. I enjoyed her company and she made a good model.

Sometimes we’d stop and she’d show me how to adjust the camera for better pictures. I noticed her eyes darted to the door and back to me.

Looking at the door I saw white hair leaving.

“Oh, Aria’s back,” I said.

“Yeah, she is,” Alyson didn’t sound pleased, “You still taking more pictures?”

“I’d love to but I have to go see Aria,” I replied.

“Oh, I understand,” she smiled.
