Page 47 of Pack's Promise

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“But there’s a first time for everything,” she continued, raising an eyebrow at me. “Hmm?”

“I think there’s been a miscomm–” Luc was saying, but I cut him off.

“Actually, I’m this pack’s omega,” I stated, plainly, and–maybe for the first time–the phrase, the title, the designation, they all rolled off my tongue easily. I was: I was theirs, and they were mine. I leaned closer to Rian, who looped his arm around my shoulder.

“I’m the beta,” he smiled, and her eyes widened. She looked younger like that, almost frightened. Nothing like Charlie, who would have laughed it off. Who had done just that, when we’d come here together.

“Oh,” she hurried, “oh, I didn’t mean–”

“It’s okay,” I said, “easy mistake to make.”

“Seriously, though,” she said, “I’m so, so sorry, can I at least buy you–”

“A drink?” said Gray, and smirked, looking at our still mostly-full glasses. “No, thank you. I think we’re good.”

She apologized again, and hurried off into the anonymous crowd of dancing bodies.

“I’m sorry,” Rian turned to me to apologize, “I didn’t think–”

“That an omega would be interested in me?” I said archly, taking a sip of my soda water. “Hmph. Just because I’m abetadoesn’t mean I can’t be pretty, Rian, you should know better than anyone.” I winked at him.

“Touché,” he said, clinking his glass against mine. “You’re right. I am pretty.” I leaned over, tilted my face up and kissed his jaw. “Mmm,” he hummed, interestedly.

“You know,” Luc said, “we came here for ayear, before we met you, and we never got propositioned like that.”

“Don’t sound so disappointed,” Rian scolded the alpha over my head.

“Maybe we just needed a sexy betagirlto lure in the omegas,” Gray said. “You ever thought about wearing a skirt, baby?”

“Like Luc needs any easier access than he already gets,” Rian shuddered. “Definitely not. Besides,” he said, sliding his hand up my thigh, slipping underneath the hem of my dress. I was wearing a new set of matching lingerie, a gift from Luc this time, and I could feel Rian’s eagerness amplified in Gray, in Luc, in my bonds with each of them. “We already have a pretty beta who looks good in a skirt, don’t we, hmm, Madison? Baby?”

“Don’t tease Madison, Rian,” Gray said, but his finger traced one strap of my dress from my shoulder blade and down my back. I shivered. “She’s no beta. Smelling like that? Like honey and vanilla, like her alphas’ scents and–” he paused, his eyes meeting Rian’s over my shoulder, “and her beta’s come, still in her?”

“Jesus, Gray,” Rian said, and his hand tightened on the skin of my thigh under my dress, too high up my leg to be appropriate in public–but not as high as I wanted it.

“Let’s go home,” Luc said, stiffly.

“Now?” Gray asked, a smile on his lips and his eyes dark. “I haven’t finished my drink.”

“Want me to ask that omega to come bump our table and spill it again?” I teased, but… “You think she’ll be okay?”

“Who?” Luc asked.

“The omega. You think she’ll be okay? She seemed…”

“Desperate?” Rian quipped.


“She’ll get snatched up by a pack in no time.” That was what I was worried about, I thought to myself, but Luc anticipated my concern. “And the background check we went through to get a membership here–”

“Was worth it,” Rian said, “but, if you don’t mind, I’d like to come back here never again. What about you, Gray? Done with your drink yet?”

“Just about,” the alpha said, pushing away his mostly-full glass. My stomach flip-flopped at the anticipation trickling over the bonds I shared with the two alphas, and they with Rian, until I couldn’t tell whose lust was whose.

“Let’s go home, omega,” Rian said, standing and holding out his hand.

I took it, following him out of the club and into the cold night air.

* * *
