Page 8 of One More Night

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I smirk. "Because I was hoping if I got you into my room, we wouldn't leave."

"We have all night, Mr. Taylor," she remarks, jutting her tongue out to lick her bottom lip.

Closing my eyes, I suck in a deep breath and try to calm the beast she's awakening inside me. "That we do."

She reaches out, grabs my hand, and then leads me back down the stairs. Once we reach the bottom, she pulls me in front of her. I guide her into the kitchen, then pull out one of the stools tucked under the counter.

She slides onto it and lays her clutch down as I circle to the other side. "So, what did you make?"

"I didn't make anything," I say, opening the oven. "I have a chef, and he prepared everything for tonight."

"Even this?"

I look over my shoulder and see last night's contract that was lying on the counter in her hand. I shake my head. "That was from last night. I didn't have one made this time, but I can get one if you'd like."

"I don't think it's necessary. It was kind of odd to begin with," she laughs.

Setting the dish from the oven down, I retrieve two plates from the cupboard and place one in front of her before grabbing some silverware. "Maybe, but it made sense in my head at the time."

As I load our plates with food, she smiles. "Made sense how? Who in their right mind thinks, 'oh, I want to fuck this girl. Let me just offer her some cash and make her sign a contract.'"

"Hey," I point a fork at her. "Blame the book. That's where I got the idea," I laugh.

"Well," She smooths her dress out over her thighs. "It was a brilliant idea."

"Really? Because I swear, you were just making fun of me."

She scrunches her nose and holds up her pointer and thumb pressed together. "Maybe just a little."

Grabbing my plate, I move back beside her. "It worked out, though. I'm so fucking glad you said yes."

She takes a bite from the plate in front of her. "I am too," she mumbles around chews. "But maybe we do need a new one for tonight."

"And what should it say?" I ask before shoveling a fork full of food into my mouth.

"I, Mr. Taylor, will give Juliet Miller all of the orgasms before I promptly murder her and stuff her in my freezer."

A laugh escapes me, and food goes down the wrong pipe. Shaking my head, I stand from my seat and move to the fridge. Opening it, I pull out a bottle of water and gulp down a drink before taking a breath.

"Still on the serial killer thing?" I choke between laughs.

She nods, matching my hysteria. "You did nothing to ease it."

Before I close the fridge, I hand her a bottle of water, then slide open one of the drawers by the sink. Rummaging around, I manage to find a pen, then move back to my seat beside her.

As she eats, I slide the old contract in front of me, flip it over, and then begin to write.

I, Reed Taylor, will give Juliet Miller all the orgasms' she requests.

I will ravish every inch of her body for as many hours as she lets me.

I will drown in her pussy, spank her ass— lightly— and fuck her until the sun rises.

As a result of her letting me worship her body, I will pay her an additional $50,000 and hope she'll give me more than this night.

I sign my name and then slide the papers to her. "There's your contract."

She smiles as she reads over what I wrote. "Reed…"

"You have to sign it," I grin.

Snatching the pen from me, she signs her name below mine. "This is so fucking weird."

"But it's fun."

Her eyes snap to mine, and she smiles again. "It is."
