Page 135 of Dirty Ink

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“Yeah,” Rachel said, dismissing the thought with a wave of her hand. “Yeah, no, definitely not.”

“Right. ’Cause she’s not real, right?”


Still we both turned and searched the crowd. Searched for the girl. Searched for Rian.

"It looked so much like her though…right?”


“But there’s no way that was her, is there?” Rachel asked, now sounding utterly unsure.

I squinted, trying to see only one of everybody I looked over.

At that moment Aurnia and Conor came by with shots for both of us. The four of us raised our glasses and downed what I think was whiskey, but who the hell knew. We coughed and pounded our chests.

Rachel and I looked at each other.

“Either we’re way too drunk,” I said slowly, “or Rian’s mystery girl is actually…”

A grin broke out over Rachel’s lips. “Oh my God. She’s real.”

* * *
