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I slam the door in his face and lock it.

I can hear the frustrating prick chuckling as I leap into the bed and yank the covers over my head, horrified and embarrassed beyond belief.

The day just started and I’m already done. How the hell am I supposed to get through the rest of it?

Two hours later and I’m still dying inside.

It doesn’t help that Ollie picked his purple bathing suit to wear today. He’s walking around with it on as the four of us are hanging out on Debra’s beautiful boat. I know he did it on purpose. I know he’s teasing me, trying to get under my skin. I hate that it’s working.

“Becca, come sit with us,” Debra says as she brings a container of watermelon slices to the table.

“Yeah, Becca,” Ollie says with a grin. “Why are you sitting all the way over there? Are you hiding or something?”

“No,” I say a little too abruptly as I stand up from the front of the boat and walk over with my stomach churning.

Ollie’s heated eyes are on me the entire way. He’s probably picturing me with that dildo. Ugh! Why did I even bring that thing?!

“Did you two have fun on the town last night?” my father says as I reluctantly sit down at the table.

Ollie reaches over my shoulder and grabs a watermelon slice. Just the smell of him—sun and suntan lotion—is getting me all tingling down there.

“We had a great time,” he says as he smiles at me before biting into the watermelon. Juice leaks down his chin and onto his forearm, but he doesn’t wipe it away or seem to care how erotic it looks. “We had a lot of fun on the dance floor. Becca has some good moves.”

“I taught her that!” my dad proudly says.

Ollie coughs on his watermelon and nearly chokes. I finally smile.

“How was your dinner?” I ask them, eager to get the conversation off of us.

“Romantic,” Debra says with a warm smile as she slides her hand on my dad’s. “It was nice to have some one-on-one time with my pookins, but we’re having dinner the four of us tonight! I booked the chef to make dinner at our place.”

“I wonder what’s for dessert,” Ollie says as he looks at me with a sexy smirk. “Something ripe and sweet, I hope.”

Okay, that’s enough. I burst out of my seat and head to the back of the boat.

“Where are you going?” my dad asks.

“Swimming,” I say without looking back. Even my fear of ocean creatures isn’t enough to stop me from getting away from Ollie’s filthy mouth.

The anchor is in and we’re not moving at all. I’ll just go for a quick swim until they change the subject to something that Ollie can’t turn perverted.

I dive in and let myself glide through the water, feeling better already now that the sticky sweat is being washed off my body. I close my eyes and kick and kick and kick, getting as far away from the boat and from my frustrating stepbrother as I can get.

When my lungs burn and I can’t hold my breath any longer, I pop my head out of the water. I hear shouting. Actually, it’s more like frantic screaming.

I turn and my stomach drops when I see my father, Debra, and Ollie all waving their arms and crying out something that sounds a little too close to ‘shark’ for my liking.

Panic hits. I turn around and see nothing but endless water.

Is this a joke?

Please let it be a joke.

“Becca!” my father hollers in a tormented voice. I heard that voice once before. When the police showed up and told him that my mother had died in a car crash. “Come back! Shark!!!”

A grey fin dips in and out of the water a few feet away.

Oh shit, this is no joke!

My heart jacks up as I try to find the shark. I can’t see it. It could be anywhere. It could be swimming toward my feet with its jaws wide open right this instant.

I immediately start swimming front crawl as fast as I can toward the boat, but it’s not nearly fast enough.

No! No! I knew the ocean was a bad idea! I knew a shark would get me one day. Everyone laughed at me, but I was right!

I jerk back and scream when I see it splashing toward me. It’s heading right for me and it’s dangerously close.

“No!” I scream as I try to smack it away when it arrives.

Ollie’s concerned face pops up instead. “It’s okay,” he says as he grabs my arm. “It’s me. I got you.”

He… came for me?

Just having him here calms me down. It soothes me. My odds of getting eaten have just gone down considerably. Who is a hungry shark going to pick between us? A scrawny girl like me or a big hearty man like Ollie?
