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“That’s how we feel,” Ollie says as he looks at me with love and adoration. “I love your daughter, Mr. Thompson. And I want to be with her.”

My father lets out a long sigh. He looks at me and then at Ollie. “Is there Whiskey in the bar?”

“Yeah,” Ollie quickly answers.

My dad lets out a huff as he begins heading there. “I need a drink.”

This could be good. No yelling. No saying he forbids it. Maybe we’ll be okay after all.

I look at Debra and she’s looking like she doesn’t know what to say.

“Love is love,” she eventually says with a warm smile. “The world doesn’t have enough of it.”

We watch as she follows my dad to get a drink at the bar.

“That worked out well,” Ollie says when we’re alone once again.

“Thanks for warning me you were going to blurt it out!” I say with a look of disbelief. “You couldn’t have given me a head’s up?”

“What, did you think I was going to wait to tell them? That I would pretend like you’re not the love of my life?”


He scoffs. “That was never going to happen. There’s no way I could keep my hands off you.”

I shake my head and laugh as I slide my hand up his back. He puts his big arm on my shoulder as we watch our parents pulling out the large shot glasses.

It will take some time to get used to the idea of us together, but they’ll get there.

Once they see how amazing we are together, they’ll be happy for us.

And if they aren’t…

…maybe we’ll go hide out on a little Greek island for a while.

Just the two of us.




* * *

Two years later…

* * *

My pulse races and I get that familiar fluttering feeling in my stomach when I see Becca walking down the beach toward me.

She’s looking radiant in her wedding dress. More beautiful than I’ve ever seen her if that’s possible. My heart aches as I watch her approaching down the sandy aisle between the chairs with all of our friends and family in them. They’re taking pictures, smiling, crying as they watch my gorgeous bride.

She’s only watching me. Those stunning green eyes are locked on me as her father walks her down the aisle. There are lilies clipped in the back of her wavy blonde hair which match the bouquet in her hands.

It’s been two years that we’ve been together and I’m still absolutely obsessed with this girl. There’s not a thought that passes through my head that isn’t centered around her.

I’ve been waiting for this day since the moment I saw her walking down the beach. I’ve been dying to call her my wife, and in a few minutes, I’ll have that honor.

She’ll be mine in every way and I’ll cherish her until the day I die. I’ll be an amazing husband and an amazing dad. I’ll be the man she deserves.

Her dad tears up when they arrive in front of me. Becca hugs him and wipes her watery eyes as she thanks him for being such an amazing father.

“I’ll take good care of her, sir,” I whisper to him when we hug.

“I know you will,” he whispers back.

With a sniff, he heads to his empty seat and takes my smiling mother’s hand. I take my bride and bring her in front of the minister.

I can barely focus on the minister’s words as I stare at my girl. I can’t get enough of her. I love her so damn much.

She’s blushing, smiling, grinning, and giggling as I hold her hand. Meanwhile, I’m trying to resist the urge to throw her over my shoulder, carry her to the honeymoon suite, and see what she’s wearing underneath that stunning dress.

I never take my eyes off her as we get married beside the ocean. Only after our ‘I do’s’ when the minister tells me to kiss my bride do I close them.

Our mouths connect, the crowd cheers, and just like that, the girl of my dreams is mine forever.

* * *

The End!
