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“Oh, really? Then why the hell am I here? It’s all because of you.

“We don’t have time for this. You’re in serious danger if you stay with Jagger.”

“Jagger hasn’t hurt me.”

“He’s using you. It’s all going to blow up in your face. Please, we need to talk.”

I ignore that. “Why did you give me that note and what information do I supposedly have?”

“I hid some information in something you own.”

“Seriously?” I shake my head, closing my eyes. “And you’re here telling me you’re trying not to endanger me. That shit right there is why I’m in trouble.”

“I had no choice.”

“You’re as selfish as you always were.”

“Please, just listen to me.”

“I have nothing to say to you. You either tell me what the hell is going on or I’m hanging up and you’ll never hear from me again.”

“There’s going to be a massive bust,” he says quickly.

“What sort of bust?”

“The information I gave you is crucial. You can’t let anyone have it. I need you to set Jagger up with fake information and have him meet Manchez at a location specified by me. Both will be taken down there.”

“No.” I say, simply.


“I said no. I won’t do it.”

“Jagger is lying to you, Willow. Why won’t you listen!”

“I’m going now.”


I hang up and slide my back down the wall of the payphone, cupping my face in my hands. I gasp and then cry until my body trembles and shakes. They say everything in life happens for a reason, right now I just can’t see that reason.

I just can’t see it.

I FIND A RUN-DOWN MOTEL and pay for a room with cash. When I get into the old, smelly room, I sigh. This is going to be a long night. I throw my bag down and fall onto the springy bed. I pull out my phone and read the messages. I feel bad for Jenny and Ava, I know how worried they’ll be, but I need to get my bearings. I feel like I’ve got whiplash. Like the world is just crashing down around me.

Jagger: Baby please. Call me.

Baby? The man has a personality disorder. Seriously.

Ava: Please tell me you’re ok? I’m sick with worry.

I text Ava back quickly.

Willow: I’m ok. Just need some time. Tell Jagger I’m fine.

She responds right away.

Ava: He’s gone out looking for you. He’s so worried honey, please come back.

Willow: I can’t right now, please understand. I’m safe. I promise. X

Ava: Stay safe, I love you x

Willow: You too.

Jagger: Where are you?

I sigh, feeling awfully overwhelmed right now.

My phone rings once again and I angrily open it knowing he won’t stop until I answer it.


“Where are you?” He sounds worn out and he’s panting.

“I’m fine. You need to leave me be.”

“Do you have any fuckin’ idea how much danger you’re in?”

“I wish I cared,” I mutter.

“Willow, fuckin’ hell. You don’t have to talk to me, but you need protection, at least accept that.”

“Then send Angel or Ace over. I don’t want to see you.”

He’s silent a long moment. “Fuck. Fuck. Fine. Answer when they call.”

I hang up without another word and a moment later my phone rings again. I answer and hear Angel’s voice come across the line.

“Where are you?”

I give him the location.

“I’ll be there soon.”


I hang up the phone and hope Jagger doesn’t come with him. Regardless of what I said, I do value my safety, so I know having Angel around will be a good thing. My head is spinning, so I go and wash my face before getting myself a drink of water and sitting on the old, run-down chair. I stare at the door, praying he shows up alone. Soon, a knock sounds out.

I get up and open the door and see Angel standing. Alone. Thank God. He gives me a kind smile, which I’m truly grateful for. I know he doesn’t have to be here, in fact, it’s probably the last place he wants to be but here he is, doing me a favor when I probably don’t deserve one. I wave my arm towards the seat, and he walks in, sitting down.

“I’m sorry,” I mumble, feeling a whole lot stupid right now.

“You have every reason to be angry, but you gotta know that running off isn’t helping.”

“He hurt me.”

Angel nods. “I know he did, but Jagger doesn’t think sometimes.”

“It’s not an excuse...” I mutter, feeling defensive.

“Look, I know what he’s like, but I also saw him tonight. He cares about you, a lot. I know you can’t let go, I know he took you and for a while your life was all but pleasant. I know that can’t be easily forgotten, but in a sense, he was doing you a favor.”

“Why do you all keep throwing that in my face?” I snap. “It’s all I hear, over and over again. Like I should be grateful he turned my life upside down.”
