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“When we were in high school, they used to come into the restaurant nearly every day. Either for breakfast, or after school or football practice. They practically lived here.”

Palmer glanced back over at the guys, whom my mother had sat in my section. When she headed toward me and Palmer, she winked at me.

“I guess some things never change, right?” Palmer said with a chuckle.

I shook my head. “Guess not.”

Grabbing a pot of freshly made coffee, I headed to the table where the three of them were sitting. It had been something of a rite of passage for my siblings and me to work at Seaside Grill for at least a few years. Palmer still helped out my folks since she was the only one with a flexible schedule.

“Morning, gents,” I said. “What can I get for you?”

Brody and Gannon both smiled while my brother ignored me, too busy flirting with a girl who was sitting at the table next to theirs. Indeed, some things never changed.

“Good morning, Addie. Welcome home,” Brody said with a wink.

I poured him a cup of coffee. “How’s it going, Brody?”

“It’s going.”

“I hear you’re working under the seas now,” I stated.

“You heard correctly. If you have any underwater welding that needs to be done, I’m your man.”

Laughing, I said, “I’ll remember that.” I turned my attention to Gannon’s cup. “Morning, Gannon.”

“Morning, Addie.”

My entire body felt like it instantly warmed up. I loved the sound of his voice.

“Keegan and Barbara got you working, huh?” Gannon asked.

I glanced back toward the counter. My father was in the kitchen singing away while my mother worked on rolling dough for a dessert she was making for the lunch crowd. Focusing back on the three men, I replied, “Two waitresses called out, so Palmer and I volunteered to help.”

Gannon nodded as he glanced at Palmer. “I’m going to stick with coffee this morning; I ate earlier.”

“Same with me,” Braxton said when he finally looked up. “Oh, hey there, sis.”

Rolling my eyes, I glanced at Brody. “Food for you?”

“Hell to the yes. I’ll have two eggs over medium, toast with no butter, a bowl of oatmeal, and how about a bowl of fruit as well.”

“Wow, you’ve got a healthy appetite.”

Brody grinned. “I’ve got a big day ahead of me.”

“Sounds good. I’ll go get the order in.” I turned to head back toward the counter. As I punched in Brody’s order, Palmer walked over.

“What do you think about this whole Brody and Sutton thing?”

I gave her with a questioning look. “What do you mean? What thing?”

She sighed. “Brody helping Sutton out like he is.”

Shrugging, I replied, “I think it’s just that. He’s helping her out with a few things around her house and the store. That’s all.”

Palmer let out a humorless laugh. “Okay, so I’ll cut you some slack since you’ve only been back in town a few days. Do you remember that night on the beach, when everyone was in town for Sutton’s high school graduation party right before she left for college? Even Brody and Gannon were home on leave?”

“The bonfire?” I asked.


I shook my head. “Were you even there?”

She rolled her eyes. “Yep! A few friends and I were there even though we were going into our junior year and it was only supposed to be for those who’d already graduated. Stupid rule some seniors made up.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Anyway, Sutton was there with her asshat ex, Jack. They got in a fight—of course—and that’s the night he broke up with her.”

I frowned. “I don’t remember that. They broke up that night?”

“You wouldn’t remember because they’d walked down the beach some, and I’m pretty sure you and Gannon went off somewhere.”

I looked up in thought. “Oh yeah. We left and went to his parents’ beach house to make up for lost time.”

She pretended to gag. “Anyway, my friends and I overheard Sutton and Jack’s fight. He was mad at her because she wouldn’t have sex with him. He also accused her of paying too much attention to Brody. Said she was flirting with him, and Sutton didn’t deny it. Anyway, Jack told her if she wanted Brody so badly, she could have him. He broke up with her right there and took off. He abandoned her on the beach, and from what I heard later, he left with Melanie Hart.”

I gasped, then quickly looked around to make sure no one was paying any attention to us. “God, what did she see in him? Why did she keep going back?”

Palmer shook her head. “I don’t know. But Sutton was pretty upset. Brody found her right before I was about to walk over because it broke my heart in two. She was so upset…have I ever mentioned how much I hate Jack?”

“A time or two.”

“Right. Well, Brody showed up so I stayed hidden along with my friend Kris. Brody told her Jack was a stupid asshole and didn’t realize what he had. She rested her head on his shoulder, they talked for a bit, and then—”
