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Her eyes met mine and she smiled. “So far I like where she’s taking me.”

I kissed her softly on the lips. “So do I. Let me cook you breakfast…and then I have an idea.”

“Oh yeah?” she asked with a tilt of her head. “What’s your idea?”

“We find a good movie on TV, and you rest while I keep you company.”

A slow smile spread over her face. “I like the sound of that.”

“I need to go to my place to shower and change. Maybe you can take a nap while I’m gone.”

She nodded. “Will you do me a favor and pick up something at the drugstore for me?”


A comfortable silence filled the kitchen while I finished making us breakfast.

“Here you go,” I said when I was done. “Eggs the way you like them and toast with strawberry jam. And some orange juice as well.”

Adelaide quickly dug into her food. She may have still been sick, but her appetite was clearly stronger this morning. I watched her for a beat or two before I focused on my own food. The sound of the front door opening and closing caused us both to turn to see who was coming.

Braxton walked in—and stopped when he saw the two of us sitting at the large kitchen island together. A look of surprise crossed his face, but it was quickly replaced with a smile.

“Gannon. I saw your Jeep parked outside. What are you doing here?” He walked by and slapped me on the back.

“Wait, you have a Jeep too?” Adelaide asked with a grin.

I nodded. “Yep.”

“That’s funny,” she said before taking another bite.

Focusing on Brax, I said, “Your mom asked me to stop by yesterday to bring Addie some food since she was sick.”

Braxton had been pouring himself a glass of orange juice, but he stopped and glanced between the two of us. “Okay. But that doesn’t explain why you’re here so early in the morning.”

Adelaide and I exchanged a look. “I asked him to stay last night,” she said. “I was feeling like shit, and I didn’t want to be alone.”

“How are you feeling today?” he asked.

Adelaide shrugged. “A bit better. Took a shower while Gannon made some breakfast.”

Braxton glanced between the two of us and laughed. “I’m sure that’s what happened.”

She glared at him. “Nothing happened, Brax. And besides, Mom and Dad were here last night. Gross.”

“Well, I did see you naked,” I added. Adelaide shot me a dirty look as her brother whistled.

“I’ve had sex plenty of times when Mom and Dad were home,” he said. “You learn to be quiet.”

Adelaide and I both stared at him before he went on talking.

“Does this mean what I think it does? You guys back together?”

Adelaide’s eyes met mine, and we both smiled.

“We’re going on a date once Addie feels better, so yeah, we’re back together.”

Braxton’s brows rose. “A date, huh? Wonder how long it’ll take for the gossip column to pick up on that little bit of information.”

Adelaide scowled at her brother, and I let out a chuckle. “They already got a jab in,” I said, “so I doubt he or she will be writing about us anymore.”

“Better think twice about that,” Sutton said, making her way into the kitchen. I hadn’t even heard her come in.

“What are you doing here?” Adelaide asked.

“Palmer texted to tell me Gannon spent the night and that you were sick. I was coming to see if you needed anything, and if the rumor was true.”

With a roll of her eyes, Adelaide said, “Rumor? As if Palmer would lie about that.”

A sinister smile moved over Sutton’s face as she put The Seaside Chronicle down on the island. “I’m talking about this rumor.”

Adelaide stared down at the paper, which was open to the gossip column. Maybe waiting for it to reach out and bite her. When she didn’t make a move to pick it up and read it, I did.

* * *


July 14, 2022



Word on the docks is, Gannon Wilson was seen sneaking into the Bradleys’ house last night, and that his Jeep was still there at time of print earlier this morning. Clearly there was a little tryst going on while Keegan and Barbara were home. I guess Gannon and Adelaide are adults who don’t mind spending the night under her parents’ roof together.

One can only wonder if this means Gannon and Adelaide are rekindling their long-lost love.

It does appear that Gannon has forgiven Adelaide and is willing to give her another chance, or at least that’s the news planted in my ear by a seagull…or two. We’re certainly rooting for the former lovebirds. We’ve all seen Gannon’s track record the last few years, so it’s fair to say he must have been holding out hope for Adelaide’s return.

We’ll all be waiting on the waves to see where this goes.
