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After grabbing two glasses, Adelaide sat down on the sofa next to me. I opened the wine and poured us both a glass.

“Tell me what life was like in the Navy,” she asked.

I drew in a deep breath and exhaled. “It was crazy. Fun. Stressful. Hard. I learned a lot, and I’m glad I served. The only real negative was that it took me away from you.”

She drew her legs up, rested her chin on her knees, and took a sip of her wine. “Yeah, that part did suck. Do you think we would have lasted? I mean, if you’d gone to a regular college instead of into the Navy?”

I thought for a moment and then shook my head. “I’d like to think so, but one of us probably would have been giving up on our dreams. I think that’s why I never stopped loving you. You allowed me to follow mine.”

“You did the same for me.”

“I think if one of us had given that up, we would have grown to resent the other person. I saw so many of my friends get married right away, and most of them are already divorced. I want to say I never gave up hope for us, but there were moments I sure wished you were here, or I was in Boston.”

She grinned. “Me too. I tried not to, but I compared every guy I dated to you.”

“Same here.”

“You dated guys?”

I rolled my eyes. “Ha-ha.”

Her smile faded, her gaze growing dark with desire. “Are you nervous? I’m nervous…and I don’t know why.”

Swallowing the lump in my throat—because I was nervous as well—I reached for her glass of wine and placed both of ours on the table. I pulled her to me until she was straddling my lap, then cupped her face.

“I’m nervous.”

She giggled, then closed her eyes and moaned when I lifted my hips and she felt the hardness in my pants press against her core.

“Should we break in the sofa first?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

“I think that sounds like a great idea.”

Adelaide started to unbutton her shirt, and I quickly brushed her hands aside and took over. Her shirt fell open to reveal a black lace bra that had my mouth instantly watering.

Reaching up, I pushed the sleeveless blouse off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Adelaide smiled as I reached around and unclasped her bra with one movement.

“I see you’re still good at that,” she whispered.

I winked. “I practiced a lot on this girl I dated in high school.”

Her brows rose. “Really?”

I let her bra fall down her arms, and Adelaide tossed it onto her shirt. Staring at her, I licked my lips. I wanted to taste her so fucking badly, I could hardly stand it.

“Touch me, Gannon.”

Without hesitating, I cupped both of her breasts and brought one to my mouth, using my thumb to play with the other. I sucked hard on her nipple, and Adelaide drew in a sharp breath and pushed her fingers through my hair.

“Oh, Gannon! God, I’ve missed you.”

Moving my attention to her other nipple, I bit down gently and was rewarded by Adelaide tugging on my hair. “I want you so badly,” I said. “I have since the moment I saw you standing at my front door.”

She pressed her body down onto mine and hissed, “Yes.”

I reached for her jeans and worked on getting them unbuttoned. Adelaide crawled off of me and stood up with a look of desire on her face as she slowly pushed her jeans down to reveal black lace panties that matched her bra.

I took in every inch of her. She had an amazing body back in high school, and the woman before me was even more breathtaking. Her once soft, slender frame now had toned curves, and my fingers itched to touch her everywhere.

“Your turn,” she stated, her fingers poised at the top of her panties.

Moving as fast as I could, I pulled my T-shirt over my head and quickly discarded my sneakers, shorts, and boxer briefs.

“Well, I know some things have changed,” Adelaide said, wrapping her arms around my neck. “And I’m glad to see other things haven’t.”

I couldn’t help but laugh before I captured her mouth with mine. Her fingers tangled in my hair once again, and we both moaned as I deepened the kiss.

Pulling back, I met her gaze. “I have to grab a condom.”

Her hand shot out to take mine. “No, I want to feel you.”

I was positive my eyes went as round as saucers. I’d never had sex without protection, and as much as I loved Adelaide, I wasn’t ready to take the risk of getting her pregnant.

She clearly saw the concern on my face because she quickly added, “I’m on the pill.”

“Oh, thank fuck!” I picked her up and carried her down the steps toward the main stateroom. I wasn’t going to do this on the sofa. Not for our first time back together.
