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“I’m not a savage, Addie.”

She winked. “Not yet you’re not.”


The next morning I pushed a box up onto a shelf and then turned to look at the boarded-up window. My heart felt heavy, and I tried with all my might not to worry about Gannon. I trusted him and knew he would take all the necessary precautions, but I still had a heaviness in my chest every time I thought about him being out in the storm.

We had all come over to Coastal Chic to help Sutton get ready for the hurricane that was due to arrive tomorrow. Brody, Gannon, and Braxton had already placed the storm shutters over the windows, and they were now at my folks’ place, helping to board it up and get everything they could up and off the floors in case of flooding.

Palmer, Harlee, and I had packed our cars with as much clothing from the store as we could and were now helping Sutton get the rest of the merchandise up high onto the shelves.

“How bad do you think it will be?” Sutton asked.

“I don’t know,” I replied with a shrug. “I’ve only been in Boston during a hurricane, and it flooded pretty badly.”

Harlee exhaled. “At least they’re saying it’ll only be a category one, maybe even downgraded to a tropical storm.”

“Yeah,” I said, mindlessly putting some items into a box.

“Hey. He’s going to be okay,” Sutton stated.

I tried my best to smile and act like I wasn’t worried, but inside I was terrified. I had gone to the port authority with Gannon yesterday and had heard Trish going over all the ships that were planning on riding out the storm and the ones that needed to come in to offload their cargo. That meant Gannon, Chip, and Josh, as well as another boat pilot, would be taking turns bringing them into port.

“Addie, look at me.” Harlee reached for my hands and held them. “Gannon’s done this before. He and Chip are good at their jobs. They take every precaution. He’s going to be okay.”

I had to force myself to swallow the lump in my throat while tears stung the back of my eyes. “My mind is telling me he’s going to be okay. It’s my heart that’s giving me hell. I just got him back, Harlee. He told me he wants to marry me. I can’t lose him again. I won’t survive this time.”

She pulled me into her arms, and I lost the battle to hold back my tears.

“Shh, it’s okay, Addie. Don’t cry, sweetie.”

I suddenly felt more arms come around me, and I realized my sisters were also hugging me.

My tears turned into sobs. A part of me wondered if I was finally releasing my emotions about our break up. I had never allowed myself to cry back then. At least not a full-on cry. It had been a mutual thing. We’d both agreed on it, even though my heart had still been torn out of my chest. It had felt that way for the longest time. Maybe right up until the moment Gannon had opened his front door a month ago. Now there was a chance I could lose him again.

I drew back and looked at my two sisters and best friend. “I’m trying really hard not to be scared.”

Sutton placed her hand on my cheek. “It’s okay to be scared, Addie. Just remember all the years of experience Gannon has on ships. This isn’t the first time he’s been in a hurricane.”

“It’ll be the first time he’s tried to climb onto another ship in a hurricane,” I argued.

Harlee shook her head. “You’ve forgotten about the storms we can get here, Addie. Winds as strong as hurricanes. Gannon’s been doing this for a few years; he’s experienced, and he won’t do anything to put himself or anyone else in harm’s way. You have to trust him, and you have to trust that Josh and Chip will keep him safe.”

I nodded. “I do. And I know he’s done this before. It’s just…”

My words drifted off, and the three of them simply stood there and patiently waited for me to finish.

“It’s just…I finally have him back in my life. He was talking about marrying me at dinner the other night.”

“Fate brought the two of you back together. She’s not going to tear you apart again,” Palmer said as she wrapped her arm around my shoulders. “She’s not that cruel.”

I nodded and wiped my tears away. I wasn’t going to tell them that earlier today I’d googled harbor pilot accidents. It had taken me less than a minute to stop reading and close the browser.

Sutton rubbed my back. “Take a few deep breaths.”

I did as she suggested and felt a bit better.

Harlee stood. “Let’s finish this up and then head over to my house. As a matter of fact, why don’t you guys pack a bag, and we can have a slumber party at my house tonight.”
