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“It is!” all five voices said in unison.

“And it fits you almost perfectly,” Sutton said as she came up and started checking my waist and bust. “If you need any alterations, I can do them, but I don’t think you’ll need that many.”

I sniffled and a Kleenex suddenly appeared in front of me. “Thanks, Harlee.”

“So, I know we’re only looking for the wedding dress today, but I have to show you all something. Wait here!” Bess dashed off, then returned with a tea-length dress in her arms. “Okay, so this dress has the slightest tint of sky blue. It also has a sweetheart neckline, and I know you said it was important to you that your bridesmaids could wear their dresses again if they wanted. And it’s such a light shade of blue that I think it would look stunning next to your dress.”

Palmer reached for it. “I’m trying it on!”

“Do you have any more?” Sutton asked.

“Yes,” Bess replied. “The three of you can all try it on. I might not have the exact sizes…”

“That’s okay, we’ll at least be able to see it next to Addie’s dress.” Sutton stated.

I did a little jump. “Oh, this is perfect!”

Mom, Janet, and I all sipped our champagne as we waited for the girls to get dressed. Sutton was the first one out.

Janet rushed over to touch the dress. It had become a running joke, because she’d done the same with nearly every dress I’d tried on. “Oh, that is so pretty. It’s simple yet elegant, Adelaide.”

Harlee walked out next, followed by Palmer. They all stood next to me as we looked in the mirror.

“What do you think?” Bess asked.

Tears stung the back of my eyes as I wrapped my arms around Sutton and Palmer. “I think you deserve a raise, Bess.”

* * *


September 3, 2022



A seagull has informed me that Gannon Wilson and Adelaide Bradley are getting married at the end of October. Can we say warp-speed matrimony? Word on the docks is a baby shrimp might be sautéing away, and that’s the reason for the rushed wedding, but we’d like to think that they’re just so in love, they couldn’t wait to make it official. Curious minds want to know, are you Team Shrimp Jr. or Team True Love?

It’s also been brought to my attention that some changes are happening over at Coastal Chic; more on that when we get the bait pulled back in—with some info on it, hopefully.

Speaking of Coastal Chic, has any other fish noticed how often Brody Wilson has been seen going in and out of the boutique? One can only imagine why our front-runner in the Catch of the Season competition might be visiting the shop so much. According to Sutton, he’s only helping with some repairs around the shop. But if the older Mr. Wilson is indeed on the hook, hearts will be broken all over Seaside. Don’t worry, we’ll be sure to keep you updated here in the column.

Fairwinds and following seas!

* * *

I stood by the deck railing at Seaside Grill while Sutton read the article out loud.

“It’s like whoever this person is, they’ve attached themselves to us,” I said. “I mean, they published an article twice this week. They’ve never printed one on Saturday before. Never!”

Sutton put the paper down. “Well, to be fair, they did publish the article on Thursday about poor Harlee.”

I cringed. “Ugh, that was terrible. What did it say, something about the Princess of Seaside finally reeling in a catch?”

She nodded. “I feel so bad for Harlee. She has a good heart and does so much for Seaside. I mean, she volunteers to do the food drive, the Christmas toy drive. She helps plan the holiday boat parade. Why do they always make it sound like she can’t find a man? I mean, if you ask me, Thomas Minor is a nice guy and all, but so what if they were standing on the pier talking? That doesn’t mean they’re bumping uglies,” Sutton finished.

“I hate when you say that.”

She shrugged. “Are they?”

We were the only two out on the deck, but I still looked around to make sure no one was listening. “Maybe. They’ve gone out on a few dates. I don’t know how far things have gone, but I suspect she likes him.”

“You think?”

It was my turn to shrug. “She hasn’t really said. I mean, she says he’s a nice guy, she enjoys being with him, but I’m not sure if it’s serious. But if she was having sex, I think she’d tell me.”

Sutton raised a single brow. “Would she?”

That made me pause. “Wouldn’t she?”

The door opened to the back patio of our parents’ restaurant and Palmer stepped out. She drew in a deep breath of ocean sea air and then looked out over the water. “It’s a beautiful Saturday evening, isn’t it?”
