Page 11 of Her Father's Enemy

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Chapter 6


Falling asleep in Flint’s arms last night was incredible. I just feel so safe with him, like nothing can hurt me. Like everything’s going to be okay.

And today, the world seems brighter and prettier, and I can’t stop smiling.

When I woke up, Flint was gone, but he left me a note saying he’d return soon. I can’t wait until he’s back.

I’m drying myself off after my shower when I hear the door open. There’s the sound of stomping footsteps and Flint’s rumbly voice, spewing angry curses. The smile falls from my face. I hastily wrap my towel around myself and push the bathroom door open. Flint paces through the bedroom, his lips pressed into a thin line.

“What’s wrong? What happened?”

He spins to face me. Then he goes completely still and his face slackens. His intense blue gaze roves over my body, taking in every inch of exposed skin. Nobody has ever looked at me like this. There’s an insatiable hunger in his eyes that sparks something deep inside of me, making my skin tingle and my breathing shallow.

“Why are you staring at me?” I manage, my voice breathy.

His laugh is a deep, rasping sound. “Don’t play stupid.”

“I’m not.” Maybe I am, just a little. He’s looking at me like… like he wants me more than anything. Like he wants to devour me.

His eyes bore into mine. “I’m looking at you because you’re fucking stunning.” He comes a step closer. “I’m looking at you because I want to tear away that towel, throw you onto the bed and lick your pretty little cunt until you scream my name.”

His words go straight to my core. No-one has ever spoken to me like this. And to my surprise, I love it. I want him to do all those things to me. If I could just bring myself to say it, instead of staring at him like an idiot.

Smirking, Flint closes the distance between us and I’m close to hyperventilating. But he just brushes a kiss to my cheek, right next to my mouth, the way he did last night. And just like last night, I wish he would kiss me properly, but now there’s a burning urgency to that desire.

“I’ll see you later, Oriana,” he murmurs, his breath warm against my skin.

And then he’s gone, leaving me alone with my core slick and aching. Damn this man. Damn what he does to my body, and to my heart. And damn me for loving every second of it. Damn me for being so distracting by his everything that I didn’t even ask what happened to upset him.

Shaking my head, I sit down on the couch, my pussy still aching for Flint. I need to keep my wits about me. No matter how much I want him, I can’t let myself be too distracted to find out what’s going on.


The fucking cops. They came to our clubhouse, looking for Oriana. Her fucking father must’ve told them about our history. And they wanted me to come in for questioning. One of my men called to let me know. While it wasn’t unexpected, it still pissed me the fuck off. But when I saw Oriana wearing just a towel, I forgot all about it. The world could have fallen apart around me and I wouldn’t have noticed. I have to have her. I will have her. Just being apart from her for the time it took to be interviewed by the cops felt wrong. Obviously, I didn’t tell them shit. The stupid fuckers tried following me, but I shook their tail. And now I’m finally back.

I jump off my bike and nod at my men guarding the door before hurrying inside. The crystalline sound of Oriana’s laughter greets me, soothing something inside of me. One of the guys must have let her out. I told them last night she’s allowed out of the room as long as someone has an eye on her at all times. I don’t think she’d try to run, but I can’t take any chances. At least not anymore than I’ve already taken.

When I step into the kitchen, all my muscles tense. There she is, standing next to Jacob and Damon, wearing a skintight black dress that leaves little to the imagination and laughing at something one of the guys said. I bought her that dress, hoping she’d wear it for me. Just for me.

None of them have noticed me yet. They’re too busy laughing and smiling at each other. My pulse thrums erratically and jealousy I’ve never known has me clenching my jaw.

“What the fuck is going on?”

My question is quiet, lethal. They all turn to look at me, the merriment fading from their faces.

I don’t wait for an answer. “Come with me,” I tell Oriana, who blinks at me in confusion. “Now.”

Before she can protest, I grab her arm and drag her out of the kitchen, but not before shooting Damon and Jacob a look that tells them I’ll rip them a new one later.

“What’s your problem?” Oriana snaps, her eyebrows drawn together in annoyance. I don’t answer.

I punch in the code, my hand shaking with anger, and push open the door to my bedroom. Only once it’s locked behind me do I let go of her arm.

“Are you going to tell me why you’re so damn angry?” she demands, hands on her hips. The rational part of me, the one that isn’t half-crazy with jealousy, likes seeing her like this, with her eyes bright with anger and her tone confident. Unfortunately, the rational part of me isn’t in charge right now.

“As if you don’t fucking know,” I growl, pacing through the room. The way Jacob and Damon were smiling at her—right now, I want to kill them both. I don’t give a shit if it’s irrational. Oriana is mine. I don’t want any other man to fucking look at her.

“Well, I don’t,” she says through gritted teeth. “So please, enlighten me.”

Her flippant tone makes the leash I’ve kept on my temper snap. “Because I don’t fucking want them to see you like this,” I yell. “I don’t want anyone to see you like this other than me.”

I take in heaving breaths, my heart thundering against my ribcage. I expect her to tell me I’m an idiot. Or an asshole. And honestly, she wouldn’t be wrong. Instead, she cocks her head to the side, looking right at me. “Why?”

I shake my head. She knows. She fucking has to.

“Why?” she asks again, taking a step toward me.

Instead of answering, I do what I’ve wanted to do since I laid eyes on her. I close the distance between us and claim her lips with mine.
