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“Of course, I’m done. Thanks for the fun, Harlow.” The cruelness in his eyes leaves me cold, and I barely keep it together as he gives me one last once over before walking away with his brother and their groupies. Squeezing my eyes shut I tell myself that I won’t cry, that I don’t care what those girls think of me or how the brothers are using my attraction towards them to make things worse.

After that, I care about nothing, not the paper I need to finish, not the rumors or the betrayal I’m feeling. The boys don’t own me, and I don’t own them, but it feels like something has changed and I don’t know how to deal with all the feelings I’m having.

They’re bullies, and I’m the victim of their torment, so why do I feel like falling to my knees for them? Why does seeing them with someone else feel like my heart is being ripped out of my chest?

Chapter Six

Banks returns to Harlow duty after the embarrassment of the other night. He doesn’t mention our kiss, and I hate to admit it but after what happened with Sullivan and Oliver I kind of missed him.

“Why the sad face?” he asks.

I shrug, “Aren’t you supposed to be making my life hell? Not asking me why I’m sad? That kind of defeats the entire purpose, doesn’t it?”

“Maybe I want to be the one making you sad.”

“Don’t worry, you and your brothers are the main cause of my misery, so rest assured, you are doing your job. Three golden stars for the assholes that follow me around like they have nothing better to do with their time.” It’s harder today to hide the disdain I feel for them. Especially since there’s a giant hickey on the side of my neck.

I tried everything I could to cover it up, but nothing seems to conceal the purple and red splotch on my pale skin.

“Feisty. Maybe you just need to relax a little, then again from the hickey on your neck maybe you’re doing a little too much relaxing?” My face deadpans, I’m so close to losing it and punching him, that it’s scary.

“Stop following me,” I snap and pick up my pace, my shoes smacking against the concrete. The world wouldn’t be turning if he couldn’t annoyingly keep up with me, and for a second I think about breaking out into a full on sprint. Then again with Banks’ long legs and fitness level, I wouldn’t be surprised if he ran circles around me.

He blatantly ignores my attitude and continues talking like I haven’t said anything at all.

“Oh, I know the perfect thing. How about a party? You could learn to live a little. All you do is go to your classes, and back to your dorm.”

Blinking slowly, I have half a mind to say, I wonder why, but I don’t because I don’t want to engage in any more of a verbal sparring match than I have to.

“That’s a hard pass. Thanks for asking,” I murmur sarcastically. There is no way in Hell I’m going to a party with him or his brothers. That’s practically begging for something bad to happen.

“Suit yourself. But don’t whine and cry later on claiming you never get to do anything.” Seriously, he sounds like a mixture between my dad and a prison warden.

“I wouldn’t give you the pleasure of seeing me cry,” I sneer, trying not to notice him, or his toned body. My first mistake was kissing them, my second was enjoying it, because now that I’ve kissed them, and touched them, my body calls for more, a low warmth simmering deep in my belly every time they’re near.

It’s annoying, but it also makes me curious.

“Have a totally lame night, Harlow,” Banks snorts, as we arrive at my dorm and he shoves his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. Don’t look at him. Don’t let his good looks mess with your head. He’s a bully, the enemy, an asshole with a nice face, that’s it.

Rolling my eyes I grab my keys and unlock the door.

“Go away, and don’t come back.” I growl. As soon as I enter the room Shelby jumps up from her bed and runs over to me. I slam the door closed in Banks’ face and feel a tiny sliver of power ripple through me.

“Surprise!” She squeals.

“Hey, I thought you’d be gone all night?” I greet and give her a quick hug.

“I know, but then the art show got moved to next week and I wanted to come and surprise my best friend because I miss her, and I’m not the only surprise,” her smile widens. “I got us invited to a boat party!” Her eyes light up, and she’s beaming like it’s the most exciting thing she’s ever heard. “A boat party, Harlow! I’m not going to take no for an answer, so don’t even waste your time saying it, and if you’re worried about the Bishop boys, I’ll help you ditch them.”
